I saw a YouTube P.Prime review that I hadn't seen before (and I've seen a lot of them as I wait breathlessly for mine to arrive!). I'd describe it as reasonably thought-provoking, but more negative-than-positive. One comment he made I thought curious: He said that he felt like the car was "always beeping at him." He cited, not surprisingly, the backup beeper (the universally hated, or at least puzzling, feature), but also beeps from the various TSSP functions. I remember seeing another review where the reviewer's P.Prime kept beeping at him on lane changes, which presumably means that that reviewer had LDA on and didn't routinely use his turn signal on lane changes. I don't recall the P.Prime I test drove ever beeping at me, other than the usual, pointless back-up beeper. Then again, I drive a lot more conservatively and cautiously than most people do. I'm inclined to suspect that this particular reviewer just drives a lot more aggressively and dangerously than I do. The review included a few GoPro-strapped-to-the-body shots from various angles, that seemed to show him approaching or slightly crossing lane markings. I assumed those were just because they, kinda-sorta, looked cool, but I'm beginning to wonder if he just drives aggressively or sloppily. Anyway, whatever the reason in this particular reviewer's case, do you folks who already have your P.Primes find that "it's always beeping at you"? iPad ? Pro
I had the dealer shut off the backup beeper as a condition of delivery. LDA is the only other thing that beeps at me.
Like ... how often, typically? When it does, do you perceive it's because you really are getting close to the edge of your lane, or just because it's confused, or it's over-reacting/over-sensitive? iPhone ? Pro
When you get your car, you'll find there are settings you control for sensitivity and behavior. Get the car and report which ones work or don't work. Bob Wilson
No way. I got rid of that stupid beeping when you back up the car, by asking the dealer to reprogram it for me. I had done this to my 2012 PIP as well. If you are sloppy on offramps which have white lines painted on both sides of the off-ramp you will trigger a beep from the lane sensor. And as you pointed out, if you change lanes over painted markers without using a turn signal, you will trigger the beep for the lane-wander detector. I didn't see the video, but it sounds like the guy's just a sloppy driver and a nose picker. BTW fellow Prime Advanced owners, I believe that I did hear one beep when my Prime reached the fuel level which lit the little orange light. I believe it only beeped once. The reason for my uncertainty is that it's been over 2 months since I last/first filled the tank with exactly 10 gallons, and my decrepit and feeble memory can barely remember what I ate last week! I may have to use Google to recall where that gas station was. The car still has almost a half tank of gas! .
It's always correct, but sometimes it's because I'm crossing a lane marking on purpose, such as when merging and the lane I'm in is ending but I start across it just before it ends.
If you drive like you should, like keeping your lane or signaling when changing lanes, you shouldn't hear much beeping. I turn my reverse beeping to a beep with a scanning tool. The only beeps I may get is when the car is warning me of cross traffic backing out of a space, which I appreciate, or parking into a space when I am getting close to an object or another car, which I appreciate. But one thing that can be irritating, which I don't go through the hassle of turning it off, is when I go into a push through automated car wash. The sensors go crazy because of the brushes coming from every direction. I just be patient and deal with the beeping in the short period of time I go through it. Normal day driving, I don't have a problem with much beeping though. You can adjust the sensitivity of the LDA if it comes on too much. #1 in Easley,SC
Great thoughts! Maybe a more-relevant question would be, "does it often/ever beep at you in a way or under circumstances that elicit a reaction like, "holy %£#*! Why is it beeping at me?!" (panic reaction) or "oh great... now why the hell is it beeping at me?!" (annoyance/puzzlement reaction)? That, as opposed to just, "yeah, I know..." iPhone ? Pro
Many years ago, we were building out a ground station and this included some interesting racks of equipment. While the designing engineer was doing something, I walked up to a rack and flipped a toggle switch, "BEEP BEEP BEEP." I flipped it off, quiet. So I flipped it again, "BEEP BEEP BEEP" . . . remarkable because there was no power to the rack. So the engineer put his work down and came over to see. Flip . . . "BEEP BEEP BEEP" and unflip . . . quiet. Then I pulled my other hand of my pocket and showed him I was using the beeper self-test function. Still, I should make an iPhone recording on my cell . . . <GRINS> Bob Wilson
As far as the touchscreen goes, you can turn off all the beeps having to do with the touchscreen (there's an option to turn it off somewhere in the menu), which I did. LeeJay and HPrimeAdvanced: Wow, the dealer turned off the Reverse beep for you? Was that a special favor, or are they "allowed" to do that from Toyota? Something like "a setting only the dealer has access too" or did they clip a wire or something? I might have them do that as well. Think a dealer's Service Dept might? dalcon95: what's this scanning tool you used? Is it easily available? Speaking of "beeps" (though a bit different), for those musically inclined, just curious... my horn is basically a major-2nd (A-flat and B-flat together). Is that pretty much the same with everyone's horn?
My wife won't drive the car (currently the Gen3, soon Prime in 12 to 3,000 weeks from now when it arrives) if the reverse is set to continuous beep. That was the condition convincing the dealer to change it to one beep; and they did it for free because of this. It will be a condition for delivery on this next car too.
I use the Carista Scan tool. It is an adaptor you can buy and download the app to use it on any Android or IPhone smartphone. Here is a link to another person's post about it and the link to the manufacturer. https://priuschat.com/index.php?threads/176148/ Carista – OBD2 vehicle diagnostics, customizations, coding & tools #1 in Easley,SC
This tool seems to be a lot more useful than I would ever have guessed! When I for saw this, I imagined that this device was not much more than a "raw" CAN bus reader (say, dumping out raw values in hexadecimal), or probably slightly digesting it down to a dealer "code" number. However, it appears that this does considerably more: It actually interprets the CAN bus activity into human-understandable terms, and even lets you inject codes to control vehicle functionality.. In hindsight, I'm amazed that I hadn't checked what the pitches are in my Gen-2 horn, now that you mention it. Then again, I almost never honk the horn, so I guess it's not surprising. That, unlike in China where my wife is from, where they may as well change the horn switch into a "press to unhonk" button! I suppose I should once a month or so, when there's no traffic around, try the horn just to make sure it still works... iPhone ? Pro
I've offered in previous threads but if anyone is in Southern California and ever wants the beeps removed let me know. I have an OBD2 and the Carista app and don't mind helping my PriusChatters out. The package cost me maybe $50-$60 for the adapter and app.
I have replaced the horns in each of my Priuii as they have all come with the same cheap tinny horn set. I use the Toyota Lexus factory upgrade set from Sigma: High-Performance Horns :: Sigma Automotive (about 1/2 way down the page). The Prime has a lot more room in front to get at the horns than the Gen II or Gen III. Using the Lexus horns means they fit right in and the connectors are the same as the Prius wire harness. You do need to turn the mounting arms on the horn so they point downwards, use a bench vise to hold the flat metal mounting arm while you loosen the nut on the horn. Much nicer sound and slightly louder.
Steve, In both cases where I had the reverse gear beeper turned off, I just asked the service department tech to do this for me. The first time I asked for this, it was no question the guy just did it. This recent time for my Prime, the mechanic looked at me as if I was crazy, then came back later to tell me he couldn't do it, I said try again, and then he finally figured it out. I believe he showed me where the owner can do it himself from the menu ( I have the Advanced, and I don't know if this feature is model-specific). Sorry but the function of my mammary is limited; perhaps it's because I'm male. .