I went to a u pull it yard today, they just put out an 02 Prius. I was working up in the engine bay, planning on salvaging an inverter and a brake booster pump. Just for the hell of it, I walked back to the trunk to look around. Lo and behold, the HV battery was still in the car! And the master disconnect was still in place! The whole HV circuitry was potentially live. I don't know if the HV battery was completely discharged, but I assume that it had some residual juice. My electrician friend says that 35v DC is enough to stop one's heart. Just a reminder and a warning. ASSUME NOTHING! It only takes a second to look and pull the little orange disconnect. We see all the warnings, take them to heart. .
i do not know, but if you've ever grounded a wrench while working on the 12v positive terminal, it's pretty frightening.
It was silver (what I was looking for,) but unfortunately it looked like it had been base/clear repainted by Earl Scheib. So I passed on the front bumper cover and hood. (mine needs painting.) It was the first Prius I've seen that was rusted out, trunk/driver's side/lower fender. It had been lightly rear ended. Up front, the headlites were taken out, but still present and not too bad actually A good candidate for polishing. I took a chance on the brake booster pump and got the inverter, just because. The inverter was $99, the brake booster pump was $30. And I got both the little horns, some (4) lugnuts, and a coupla pounds of misc. nuts and bolts. I'm going to start preserving the inverter for storage today. The cute little horns may end up on my Harley.
A lot more. But generally the voltage path doesn't run through the heart. The pins are usually only a couple of inches apart, I think. Some tasers are dc, some are a/c. Either can occasionally cause real problems.
put all the covers on, all the screws, and put it in a big plastic bag. I put the main cover on yesterday but only used the corner screws, mostly to cover the (assumed) charged big capacitors which could deliver a nasty jolt.
Without the key on the voltage is not getting out of the box unless the solenoid has been tampered with, and if that were the case the battery would likely be discharged. The voltage in a taser is much higher frequency and much lower amperage similar to what is in an AED unit.
We have 2001 that we were told by dealer need to replace main battery- any advise who we can go to for better price or best website to search for replacement battery- 139,000 miles still love this car! Thanks much Joan
it would be easier for folks to direct you, if they knew your location, assuming you're not looking to drive across country. how much does the dealer charge?
Joan, I would suggest getting the best prices from local Toyota dealers. Then ask the service advisor for the phone number for the Toyota America corporate office. Call them up and ask about Toyota's goodwill program. Members here have gotten good contributions on the cost from Toyota.Like $1000 or more! On the subject of getting a new factory HV battery or getting a reconditioned one (Dorman) I would spend the money on the new factory battery. New parts with new part life expectancy, Toyota installed gives you a 3 year warranty. Dorman is matched and balanced old, used parts. Just can't beat the life expectancy of OEM. You will need to have the nice guys at the local Toyota dealership install the new battery pack . BTW, you're baby with 139k is practically new. These are very impressive cars for staying in good condition. While the finances may not support it, keeping a car you love has a lot going for it. I'm a Prius guy through and thru. I'll keep my Gen 1's (I have two) til they either give up or I do.
I have a 2002 , echo looking blue, not a dent on it and only a couple small bad places in paint I'm sure that maybe the dealer had retouched when new. Right at 300,000, purrs like a kitten, seats and plastic like nearly new.Have rebuilt the main several times. Just put it back on road after 6 month sit and main rebuild. great little jewel.