with 180k on the dash the current suspension is getting pretty tired while I'm replacing stuff I would like to upgrade (if possible) does anyone make lowering springs or coilovers for the gen 1 Prius's?
Not to my knowledge. Why would you want lowering struts & springs, anyhow? KYB offers all the struts you'll ever need for a Gen1. About $300 a set at Rockauto. Rockauto also sells loaded struts if your springs are sagging or broken. BTW, Autozone will loan out a really nice Coil Spring compressor. Works really well.
I rag this lil car out on 250mi of mountain passes a day just looking to add a little fun to the commute before I get my frs
Different strokes, I guess. The way the car is engineered, it seems to have a pretty low COG, with less than optimum tire air pressure (for fuel consumption) it handles pretty well. KYB shocks are pretty stiff to minimize body roll. Lowering the car would make it bottom out on speed bumps, wouldn't it? Sounds like you need a Miata-maybe turbocharged?
If you start to do a bunch of suspension stuff, new control arms w/ ball joints, tie rod ends, and hubs will get you a lot more performance than lowered springs. Swaybar end links, too. You may want aftermarket wheels and wider tires, as well. I did a complete front end job on a Taurus wagon, except the hubs. Still had a noticeable thud going over speed bums or faults in our crummy Tucson roads. Hubs are cheap--mine are coming friday, I hope. I would suspect that this isn't the place to ask about performance suspension. Find a speed shop and ask them where to go for performance suspension work. I sorta know about this stuff because I used to autocross a 88 Fiero Formula. (A love/hate relationship.) You could get a set of springs (wrecking yard or Ebay) and cut out one winding of the coil--not the tapered end. That would lower your car by a bit, you don't have much to work with. I would worry about the struts accommodating a shortened spring, which is why I'd do it on some spare springs. That's what the guys on the Taurus Club forum do. Just don't cut the tapered end.
I'll probably just end up replacing everything with stock stuff then I don't want to mess with cutting springs This lil car handles suprisingly well for what it is but I get crazy body roll when it's all loaded up in a corner I understand I'm using it way outside of it's intended purpose but I'm not getting my frs until January