Anyone hear a slight buzz when switching or running the AC? If I switch to the focused flow from driver only or to all seats I hear a slight buzz for a few seconds. Anyone else hear this when running it on colder temps and higher fan speeds?
Hmm... The center vents or the outer vents? All of them? I've noticed, recently on my 2009, not a buzzing sound as much as a squeaky sound. It seems to be related to the actuators that reconfigure the vents for recirculation or not. iPhone ? Pro
I tested a little further. The sound comes from the passenger area below the vents. Only when the AC is turned up to above 3 notches. Do you have a Prime?
My P.Prime has not yet arrived, unfortunately; nominally/allegedly 5/15. Anyway, do you hear the sound more often under particular circumstances, such as upon switching between circulating and vent, or when the AC kicks in? Do you hear it when the heat pump is heating too? Oh, right: I just remembered/noticed that you said it was up on switching between driver-only and all seats. So it might be related to sweater switches off the rear vents... Hmmm... I'm thinking the only good solution is to take it to the dealer and give them all the details you can. iPhone ? Pro