Am I the only one who thinks the back of a Prime is reminiscent of a 1959 Chevy Impala? The underlying technology is a shade different, however...
the funny thing is when I first looked at the Impala, I was wondering why you were showing the back of a Prime and the front of the Impala. It took a second to get past that. But yes I can see a little of the same design element between the two, especially when you think of how many years later we are talking here. I wonder if the Impala's design was just style or if it had other reasons like improved efficiency to get going down the highway faster than everyone else.
Interesting: I got that impression of the regular G4 Prius, but concluded that the P.Prime is less so. I was mostly looking at the tail fins the G4Prius has, but wasn't thinking about the "dual-wave" back. All in all, I like the P.Prime appearance-wise other than the black thing in the front, certainly better than the regular G4. I have no idea what the deal is with Toyota and big black plastic grills! I just don't see the appeal... Speaking in general, though, I think Tesla's styling beats the P.Prime's, and Toyota's in general, by six or seven touchdowns... iPhone ? Pro
My father had one of those. He always claimed that above 70 mph it lost traction from those fins causing lift, at least in certain wind conditions. As he worked as a truck driver, I always believed him rather than Chevy claiming that wasn't true. Lots of the interstate system was still under construction so some states had limited opportunities for high speed driving.
The blue is not as dark as the Prime. But , on the other hand, the Prime does not come with a cat in the back window.
I wish more cars had style like they used to. Now most of them just look like jelly beans. That Chevy is gorgeous! It least the prime comes in that pretty blue. I hope Toyota offers more of their models in that color.
Those "classic" cars are amazing. Look at that Impala. The sheer amount of metal and glass it's amazing. Living room sized Sofa like bench seats. And that trunk. Who needs an SUV when you have a trunk that size? That's definitely design and auto building back when no respect had to be paid to gas prices. Those vehicles can't exist today in general operation. Efficiency and safety, make it so. But all those vehicles are still amazing examples of a time that has passed. Yep, the Prius back end is reminiscent of that Impala. I suspect it is pure coincidence.