I went to start my car as I left the post office, and it wouldn't. It made weird noises when I tried, which I assume was the brake pump I've read about... Now it doesn't even do that. I got it to start and get home thankfully, and once after that. Go forward 5 hours and now it won't start at all. The brake pedal is now hard to press. My brake lights are flickering when I do press the pedal. I cannot lock my doors. Nothing comes on. Do we think it's the battery? Or is there something else that has been a common issue and I need to take it to the dealer? Thanks!
Ok. Thanks. With it being my first hybrid, I wasn't sure because the system is so different. With my old car I knew flat out if it was the battery as there were typical warning signs. Not this. It just wouldn't start with no warning.
The warning signs for a failing Prius 12V battery are legion. All kinds of weird things happen. My rule of thumb as an electrician when weird things happen is to check the neutral. For the Prius, it's check the 12V battery.
if it turns out that the battery is dead, you can try charging it. but you will have to monitor it to make sure it's holding a charge. it might be easier to just replace it at this point, your call. maybe you left a light on, or a door ajar.
Thanks! I'd just replace it. I only drove the car for maybe 3-5 minutes, and was in the post office for 3-5. If I.left something on or open it shouldn't have drained it like that...
Is this battery something I can just get at an auto place and replace, or do I need to go to the dealer? Maybe a dumb question, but I found a battery online and it said "professional installation required".
you can get one at an auto parts store, dealer, or on line, as well as batteries plus bulbs. installation is a bit harder than a regular car, but still pretty simple, if you want to diy.
It's not hard to install a battery in the gen3 Prius. Much easier than on a Gen2 Prius. I think most people can do this in less than 30 minutes, with only a 10mm wrench/socket
I found a video on YouTube on how.to change it. Not bad! I also found one on how to check your battery voltage through diagnostics. I can't even get the car to turn the display on at this point to do that. Eek! I'll probably bring the battery to get tested before I buy a new one. If it's not the 12v battery and is a larger thing, I'd hate to have just spent $200 for nothing.
By all means, test it before replacing it. It would really stink to get a new one and (unlikely as it is) discover that wasn't the problem. It has happened. It's also easy to test it at home. There are plenty of threads here about how. But if you don't have a multi meter, you could swing by Harbor Freight and get one almost free on your way to or from the parts store. Also, it's a good idea for any car owner to have a battery charger. You don't need one often, but when the time comes, they are really nice. Happy hunting.
You may not just drive it much. Most people that have battery issues have one thing in common. They don't arm the alarm on the car every time they get out or park the car for the night even in the garage.If any light left on or door ajar turning a light on the alarm won't arm alerting you. But 5 years is about right on a car battery especially in a hot climate I don't know becasue you didn't post where you live. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time having it tested especially at the dealer they are incapable of testing a car battery. Just get it replaced so you don't have to expose your car to the dreaded Prius jump start. So many Prius have been damaged $$$$ by a simple jump start.