I am a Prius fan from Taiwan. I just found a simple and cheap way to make the threshold clean. Want to share this to anyone cares about this issue. Just get some (350 cm in total for all four doors) P-shape tubes and stick them to the lowest part of all doors. make sure you can stick at the lowest part, then you can get the best coverage of the threshold. after installation(Right front door & back door) now you can see the coverage of the threshold. make sure no space left between two doors. photos with the front view Also highly recommend to install Z-shape tube in the front part of the two front doors. Thanks.
Some of my previous few cars had double seals something like this - I think I first saw it on a Peugeot (or was it Renault?) in the mid '70s - why TOYOTA decided to dispense with it, no idea. I guess they'll say weight
Interestingly, I only spent NT$260, or less than US$10 to get all job done. (including 350 cm P-shape tube and 150 cm Z-shape tubes)
Yes but with extra fitting time etc over however many cars they produce per year.... Lots of $$$$ I'm thinking.
Good idea Henry, just make sure you don't block the door drain holes. The door drain holes are still going to deposit water on the sill anyhow but not the dirty road muck. I'd leave a gap for the water from the door drain holes to to drain away. Does it lessen wind noise as well ?
Hmm, never heard about z-shaped tubes - what is this and what it used for? Great idea overall. Thanks!
Thanks Kithmo! Actually I failed for the first time and I did notice the drain holes(btw, there are 3 drain holes for each door). Here are the pictures. But for me, that's really ugly and the coverage was not perfect (because the tubes were not stuck on the lowest part of the doors). Then I found that as long as you can stick the P-shaped tubes to the lowest part of the door, you will not block the drain holes. Of course, it depends on the size of the p-shaped tubes you get. And you are right the water from the drain hole might deposit on the sill, but I think it will be very limited. Thanks for pointing out this! As for the wind noise, I believe P-shaped tubes should lessen some noise from the outside of the door, though very slightly. The Z-shaped tubes on the front of the front doors, however, can reduce the wind noise much more I think.
Hi alex, this is the photo of Z-shaped tubes. They are usually used in the front of the front doors(which is the lower part of A-pillar, or front pillar) I think it can lessen some wind noise and keep out rainwater as well.
Wow. I want to do this to see if it helps with wind noise. Did you have to take out the plastic things for the drain holes? Or leave them in place?
I just left the drain hole covers in the original place. But I do think it will be OK if you remove the covers, though it will not look nice I guess. As for the wind noise, I think both P- and Z-shaped tubes can reduce the noise, but will be very limited level. The main purpose of the tubes is to keep rain water out off the thresholds. FYR
I'd (reluctantly) pass on this. Toyota designers have probably considered something similar, but decided against it. I'm thinking it'll ultimately trap more stuff, grit and water, and the area opposite the gasket will start to show abrasion and rust. I'm all for DIY improvements, and appreciate the thought and effort though.
Tell me again what the body, including the sill is made of? Can't be carbon fibre - too expensive, glass fibre - don't think so, obviously not cardboard and I don't think it's plastic polymer.... Is it all just paint, I wonder.