I use a little Sandisk Cruzer Fit USB for my music and I only remove it when I want to update it but it usually sits there untouched for weeks but everytime I turn on my car it has to index through it and it takes like 10 minutes. Why is it doing this? How can I make it stop?
Well, a few questions for you then; Has it always behaved this way, since you first plugged in the Cruzer? Have you ever plugged in any other USB drives to compare index time? How many songs do you think you have on the USB drive? (My stereo reports 1050-somthing without load issue) ... What I'd tend to do in your situation; - scan drive for viruses (just in case) - backup all music on the drive to my computer - format the drive (NOT quick format) - use MP3val - home page to check to make sure I don't have any corrupted files - copy files back to the USB drive - try a different drive if it still slow - cut down my playlist significantly if it's STILL slow
I called my dealership and they said that this is unfortunately expected because the C doesn't have a hard drive ):
Is that like saying, "the sky is blue?" How does not having an HD have anything to do with slow indexing? If you don't have more than 1000 files on there, I'd say it's time to reformat the drive to another format. I've used as much as a 32 gb sd card drive adapter (means the drive is very slow) and filled it up. The initial index takes a few minutes and it plays instantly from there on out.
It means it doesn't cache anything so whenever the car turns on it acts like its a new USB. And there are 3000 songs on it I am looking at getting a different drive but I want it to be one of the small ones because of where the stupid port is in the C.
How about we phrase it a bit differently. It does not have enough NON-VOLATILE memory of any kind to store the index.......so it has to re-build it each time. Fix: Unplug the thumb drive when you won't be using it........or live with it the way it is.