I'd have thought that TOYOTA would have countered Hyundai's assault with some positive improvements - how about a new set of front seats? There are far better seats in the TOYOTA stable.
That would not happen on a new low end trim. I think a mid-season change so early in the generation is unusual too.
When opposition increases, so your weapons need to too. In back-to-back testing of 5 or 6 different cars, I had one black mark against PRIUS - the seats.
toyota is apparently under the impression that seat comfort is not important to most prius shoppers, and they'll catch more fish than get off the hook, without investing anymore into them.
The changes haven't made it to toyota.com I don't see a Prius One or TSS-P Safety Plus. However, the Prius One is listed in their 2017-2018 pricing sheet.
Crap, and I even thought of it before the post. I think that was September 2016? It was early in MY2017, but not the beginning of the model year.
Yes, and they got slapped hard for it with the largest fine in history. Be careful when looking at MPG numbers. The Ioniq for North America has gotten improvements that the model doesn't have in Europe or Asia. The question is if Toyota would have bothered paying for the testing for what was to be a fleet only trim? That's a Prius feature, not a con.
This is all fantastic, but all of the changes to the '17 are absolutely destroying the resale of the 2016 model.
That's true. I overpaid for my loaded 4 with ATP & PCP. Now many of those features are FREE on the lowest models. There isn't much to differentiate my car from the cheap low-end ones. It is killing our resale values, however if you were in an accident and your car was totaled you could replace it for much cheaper. I'm going to just drive it and enjoy it. I would have done better financially to wait until now, but I've had the car for a year and I do like it.
For TSS-P, it's $450. (and the price of the packages for the ATP was dropped by the same amount). But for ICS/IPA, I guess so. But I've yet to see any mention of it on toyota.com. It still says N/A for Prius Two through to Three Touring.
I was planning on buying a 2017 this month, but with all the new standard safety features being soon added, I think I'll wait.