So here's my story: I got my new Prius. Loved it! (Still do) After about 400 miles, the check engine light comes on. I take the car in. The Tech says it was an Evap code and attributes it to a loose gas cap-- which was odd because I hadn't even TOUCHED the gas cap yet! So... I drive about 100 more miles-- light comes back on... I take the car in and leave it. This time the tech isn't so sure... he apparently ends up having to call some Tech in California ( I guess that's where the REAL experts are) who advises him to replace the computer in my car. (I would assume it is some computer that regulates the evap system-- but I'm not exactly sure yet). Anyway... This computer has been on backorder for two weeks (with NO info on a delivery date). And the big kicker... the loaner they gave me is a Sienna Mini-Van. I HATE driving this thing around!
1. where are you located? (which dealer also?) 2. any info on which codes he pulled? (should be on the work order) 3. which computer is being replaced? the car has more computers in it than you can shake a stick at! 4. so this is a new 06? ...i'm assuming? the "real experts" you refer to are the tech support guys. whenever something comes up that's above and beyond what the tech in the shop knows about, they call tech support. although the tech support guys don't know everything either, trust me on that one. usually between the tech and teh tech support group they can work out the issue. my DH knows all the guys over there since he gets all the wacko diagnostic things... anyway, the ground rule over there is "if all else fails replace the relevant ECU" they do a few tests and try some tricks first, and then go for the ECU to see if it's the culprit. as far as spare parts... computers are hard to come by since they're being snapped up for production at such a high rate. they should have a reserve for incidentals but at this point they don't. that's about all the info i can offer at this time. good luck
Sorry! 1. I'm in SE Georgia. Dealer-- Brunswick Toyota. 2 & 3. I'm not sure which codes he pulled (the 2nd time) or exactly which computer because I haven't been back yet (it's about 45 miles to the nearest dealer for me) 4. Yes an '06... I plan on posting the specifics here (when I get them) just as a matter of record. A Sienna is no Prius replacement! Thanks for your reply!
As a matter of record, I'm updating this post. The first time I went in, they replaced this: 1 90910-12274 Valve, Vacuum Switch 1 25860-21060 Valve Assy, Vacuum S This didn't fix the problem... they called the California tech. After a 4 week wait (Jan 15 - Feb 15, 2006) they replaced this: 1 89661-47140 Computer 1 77740-47050 Canister Assy, Charc From what they told me, the long wait was for the computer. I'm assuming it's not a part that is replaced a lot. I've never read a similar situation here on the boards... but that's the update.