Hey all, My friend decided to get a Prius C III after riding around in mine and really enjoyed it. She grilled me about some stuff if there was anything I wanted or regretted etc. I said that I chose a II over a III because the only thing I wanted on the III was maybe the moonroof and perhaps a better stereo but I am thinking about getting a neato aftermarket one once the harnesses are available. So I avoided paying what, $2200 for a moonroof...in Seattle? Anyways, she went to a different dealer than I did and got a III, except they are installing a moonroof because she would have had to wait 6-8 weeks for a III in the color she wanted, Summer Rain III with a moonroof. She settled for a Magnetic Grey Metallic III and I think is paying an extra $1300 to have the moonroof installed. I am a little perplexed that she went this route instead of waiting for the car she wanted but that is another matter. I personally am worried about the integrity of the car with an aftermarket. Basically my question is, what is your experience with aftermarket moon/sun roofs and is it worth it to have this installed after the fact? Thanks!
I used to work for a new car dealership that would sublet out the job to other shops. My advice is don't do it. I've seen a lot of those cars come back because of leaks. Also they only installed sunroofs not moonroofs. The button never really seems to match the aesthetics of the rest of the interior. And the biggest slap in the face is that it costs almost as much (sometimes more) than buying one with an oem moonroof. Sounds like its too late for your friend but at least you can save your own car from being butchered by a pseudo professional
you took your cars to the wrong vendors. we do [send out] aftermarket moonroof's and they are sweet, and look 100% professional, and offer a 3 year warranty. Not one comeback out of some 20 done.
i never like the look of an aftermarket, the outside seal sticks up vs the smooth look of the factory roof and the interior headliner and switch can be a problem after a couple of years (sagging). I've also noticed rust or peeling paint on the outside molding on installs a couple of years old. They are functional don't seem to hold up over the long term like a factory install.
Please explain diff between MOONroof & SUNroof ?? I thought they were the same thing, SUNroof by day & MOONroof by night! Thanks! Ty-K
Moonroof retracts into the car and sunroof does not. At least that's my understanding of it. Most aftermarket sunroofs I've seen just "pop up" and I've never seen one that retracts into the car.
Exactly right. I had a 99 Civic with a factory installed "moon roof" and it did two things : 1) slid open by sliding backward inside the body of the car, or 2) popping up making a diagonal opening simulating a "sunroof"
I'm pretty sure there is a structural difference between oem roofs w/o moonroofs and oem roofs w/ moonroofs I don't think you should get yourself the idea that some shop can just cut into the roof and install some aftermarket moonroof (even if their job is so top notch that it looks oem)...it'll affect the structural integrity of the car...and pretty sure your warranty goes out the door. trim 3 and 4 seem to all come with the moonroof option from the mfg anyway (very rarely have I seen a trim 3 or 4 w/o a moonroof)...b/c I guess they just like to charge that extra little dollar
Hmm... I always thought that a sunroof was the metal roof panel and the moon roof was the glass panel (see the moon at night).
The non-sunroof Prius c has a double-bubble roof on it - it's got three curves. I actually liked this feature so much that I bought the three instead of the four so I could have that cool roof.
I am Surprise there are still aftermarket sun roof companies around......at least she's not getting the T-Top conversion!!!!
I installed an after market sunroof on my Ford Focus Electric because they don't sell them with one. It's been awesome for the past couple years. The installer requires that I stop by every year for a free inspection. They said they've never had a problem with any customer's roofs if they came for their yearly inspections. Leaks are usually due to clogs in the channels that drain the water from the roof to the ground. iPhone ?
Curiosity, how much is it to have one put in? What if I went to the dealership for it instead of a retrofit dude? I wanted once after I saw a buddie's white PC4, but the price bump of getting a 3/4 over my PC2 at the time was basically my entire modding budget. Dominantly, I like the aesthetics of it outside. Super nerd I know, but functionally I'd just put solar panels on the window inside and make it charge a 5V battery.
I went with a kind of deluxe double tilting model so after install and taxes it was like $1800. Pricey :|