While I was programing my one touch buttons i notice #6 is locked for outgoing calls. is there are any to undo this so i can add another phone number?
If you look in the navi handbook, you will see that number 6 is the last incoming call) so you can do a quick call back.
i know i was just hoping there was some way to add another number to the one-touch, since i've already filled the other 17 and have more i'd like in the list
but its fun to get a group in the car and then start calling everyone else. aka my mobile confernece room. also calling another cell phone in the car produces interesting resluts.
There's a truly simple fix elsewhere here. Open glovebox, pull A/C panel on pass side, snip one wire, attach prewired switch in series, mount switch in any convenient spot, and voila! - the end of the speed sensor. I did that, then reworked my phone book so the additional (more than 17) one-touch calls I wanted to make were listed as AA - then the name, etc.