How hard is this color to keep clean? I like the look of it when it's nice and clean but I assume it gets dirty pretty quickly. For those of you that have it, are you overall happy with your choice? Sorry for all the color questions, I'm having a hard time deciding on color!
I was happy with the magnetic gray on my 2006. Road grime didn't stand out. In winter I had the old German camo effect but you won't have that experience.
I had a light silver 2009 Camry and loved how it showed dirt and salt. I have the dark grey Prius and it definitely shows the salt more. The dirt. not as much, but definitely more than light silver.
It's a great color but because I like it looking good all the time I wash my car weekly. It's like any dark car. It shows dirt. But also looks the best when clean. It's all subjective.
Me me me! Same color as my 2008 Prius. I really wanted a black Prime but it wasn't a choice so I settled on the same color I have had for the past 9 years. In the desert it always has a fine layer of dust which you can't really see until it rains and turns to mud. I can go a month or more without washing if I use my "California" car duster on it. Our "other electric car" is bright silver and it does better with showing the dust less, but looks worse with dirt and mud.
It's nice when very clean, BUT, it's hotter in summer and everybody has this color, or silver, or white. I really like pink champagne of the Titanium Glow which reminds me of the Antelope color of the 1986 Vanden Plas Jaguars: very subtle, very elegant and cool in summer and easier to keep clean. Unfortunately, you have to see it in person as photos don't do it justice. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I ordered a magnetic grey advanced that is due in mid- May. My dealer just got one in (already spoken for) and called me to come in and see it. It is beautiful. I am happy with my choice.
My 2009 Gen II is magnetic gray, a colour which grows on you (at least it di on me) for pics see my album "ChuggyPig" I think it looks best when it has just been cleaned and waxed!
Mag Grey w/ black interior Advanced - in somewhere between 13 and 3,000 weeks, if and when it arrives. I've never had tinted windows, but the photos of the tints are growing on me.
I personally was hoping for my favourite colour so far which would be Titanium Glow,but for some strange reason we are not getting that color and would you believe it,we are not even getting Silver ! We only have 5 colors to choose from in Europe (Germany) Red,Blue,Gray ,White and of course Blizzard Pearl. My gen 3 has the Blizzard Pearl allready so White or again Blizzard Pearl isn't an option . Red seems to look good,but the Prime also has red taillights,so I am a bit afraid they won't stand out at daytime . Same thing goes for the Gray,the red taillight will stand out with that color,but won't the also dark coloured acrylic grill be taken in too much by the dark grey color of the body ? It's hard to see on photos or videos if that's the case or not. This leaves me with Blue,and while with that color the taillights and the dark grill will stand out,it seems to have no special effect whatsoever as for example Grey or Blizzard Pearl has . So isn't the Blue color a bit too boring ? Toyota for sure doesn't leave us much choice with the Prime in Europe ! Oh and of course as allways,we only get the black interior here in Germany once again !
I have the magnetic gray and would agree that it is nice but will likely require more regular cleaning. Possibly would have gone for a more vibrant color if I'd had a choice but when I bought this was the only one available in the area! I would have loved a dark blue color but they don't offer that...
When I bought my 2009 Gen II back in early 2014, there were 2 examples on the lot, the other was another Gen II with about the same mileage, but not "touring", but with Nav, BluToof, and was a gorgeous pale green Sea Foam? Sea Glass? very pretty, but I couldn't get my phone to connect, and I didn't need Nav (Google always up-to-date), and it didn't have OEM HIDs & fogs, so I went with the Magnetic Gray! ...and I still love it!
Love my Mag. Grey Prime Advanced! My wife thought she would hate the color before we drove it home, but she actually thinks it was the right decision. Happy wife, happy life. Traded in the 2010 Gen3 level 5 (bought May 2009) for $9,630 towards the Advanced. I miss the real leather steering wheel and dual glove compartments the most. The stowage space is less, but I can deal with that. The dash on the Prime is quirky and doesn't appeal to me in the least, but is a decent upgrade nonetheless. Haven't used but a half gallon of gas in the last 3 weeks. Just getting up to the coveted 199.9MPG readout on the dial about now.
I *love* the gray. That and red are my favorite color choices. But I got a boring, practical color because I'm a boring, practical person.
You cannot possibly be a boring person! After all, you bought a class-leading, technologically-advanced, extremely reliable Prius Prime!! Woo hoo, enjoy your wisdom! .
…when I was a kid (growing up in the UK), driving a red car was almost guaranteed to be a cop magnet! I remember a survey done by RoSPA (Royal Accident Prevention Thingumajig) which studied the colour of vehicles and the number of accidents, and they found that the least accident-prone cars were the ones painted in bright and loud colours (think bright yellow, red, neon green as in Lotus Elan) and the study made the GPO Telephones (now BT) sit up and take notice, as shortly thereafter they changed the livery of their vehicles from camo-green to bright yellow in order to help prevent drivers running into them while driving in the camo-green country lanes!
I am also loving my grey Gen4. I look at all these bright, custom new colors and the only thing I can think of is "I hope this person never gets in a pinch and needs to sell this to a private seller". Those wild colors become dated VERY quickly IMHO.
In a more rural setting or on the highway, the most visible vehicle color from a distance is white. In a London fog, I am not sure what would be most visible.