Hello, Is there a quicker way to turn off the screen in the premium and advanced models? Having the screen on is not necessary all the time so I like to turn it off so it doesn't bother me so much especially at night. The only way I know how to is menu >> display >> turn off display. Is there a shortcut to turn it off? Thanks
Found your instructions on another thread for Gen 2... I'll try this with my Prime when I get home. Hope this works.
Boo. So you have to press MENU then screen off? What about a more natural command? Like "turn the screen off" or "turn off the display"? I tried "Bluetooth audio" on the Gen 4 (same command I use in the Gen 3) and it didn't register. Next time, I said "play Bluetooth audio" and it worked.
That is the quickest way. Dim you dashboard lights one notch down. It's on the left under the air vent. Then you will get night mode where, when the headlights are on the screen will show a dark background. I had this same problem in the beginning.
You could take a sledgehammer (hey, it's fast). But other than that, nope. Funny, I just filled out the Toyota Survey, and one of my comments was to make the volume of the voice prompts more easily changeable (ie, from the physical volume knob on the 7" model or similar on the 11.6 model) -- especially if no other audio is going on at the time, instead of having to go through multiple menus to find the adjustment. Should've remember about the screen off as well. Even though I've never turned it off, I agree that this is something where there should probably always be a tiny icon somewhere to quickly turn off the screen...
I really like that. I seriously look on the screen as a control ghetto: rather than taking the time and effort to design ergonomic controls, just dump 'em into a screen. And when it locks?
One of the many reasons I actually opted for the Plus trim on purpose (not a knock against the Premium or Advanced, I know they have more features), but for me personally, I didn't need or want the extra features, prefer cloth seats, prefer the smaller screen (especially with screen glare, much easier to fix with my fix), and really liked the idea of the physical volume and tuning knobs (you have your choice of using the screen OR the physical knobs), missing on the the 11.6 audio trims. Sometimes technology saves time and money. Other times, old school is much better and faster. And as you said, the more you have to delegate to the software (instead of hardware controls) the more screens to wade through in the 'control ghetto'.
How long before someone here posts a picture of their Advanced or Premium where they added a physical volume potentiometer?
The screen does not bother me visually during the day or night. Instead, I have the habit of turning things off when not being used (mentality of longer screen life and saving of probably negligible amps). I use my Phone for navigation (Waze fan) and audio entertainment. Entune voice controls for climate adjustments. So screen is not really needed during my drive. I do wonder if Toyota can offer OTA updates for Entune to enable additional voice commands. If so, screen off would be nice and recirculation on / off for climate control.