I was thinking that I should probably do some maintenance on my car. Its got 240k miles and the ICE runs pretty rough. Ive got something rattling that I need to check on and I figured I have a repair day. Figured Id replace the PCV and maybe clean the throttle body and MAF. The spark plugs aren't very old and I don't mess with oil changes. They aren't worth the hassle as a DIY in my opinion. What other items do yall think I should do while Ive got the tools out?
If you get 4 quarts of ATF WS, and two washers at the dealer, then get a long funnel, you and a helper could do a transaxle drain and fill. Always remove the fill plug before the drain plug.
Im not sure exactly on the fluids or brakes. What fluids are there? ICE Coolant, Inverter Coolant, ATF and brake? Brakes don't squeak so I haven't given them any thought. Filters are good. Ill check the belt. No idea on the WP. Is the WP hard to change? Seems like itd be tight in there.
There are two coolant loops, Engine and Inverter. They both use the same style coolant, but are not connected. Brake wear is highly dependent on driving style. One way to be sure you are testing the real brakes is to slow down in N once. Never any regen in N. If the water pump is not leaking, pink lines, no need to replace it. If you change all the coolant however, that is a great time to change the pump as well.
It's not too bad. Getting air out of the engine coolant system can be difficult. The MAF cleaning is the only item on your list that might help the engine rough running. If that doesn't help you might have a problem with a fuel injector.
Don't neglect the brake fluid in the long term, after you get things running smoothly. Degraded hydraulic fluid can cause expensive damage to the electric actuator pump.
Would the car not throw a code if there was an injector problem? I ordered some cleaner and Ill run it through and see if there is any improvement.
Yes. Since you say the engine is running "rough", I thought of a misfire. However that may not be what you have observed.
I doubt this is causing your ICE to run rough, but since you have others changing the oil then there is a possibility of using the wrong grade of oil- which could cause random misfires (or so I've read). But if there are no misfire codes thrown then I wouldn't worry beyond what oil you are actually running around with and how that could affect the ICE in other ways (not to mention the cat). Do you have any tools like a mini-VCI cable?
I get a full synthetic change every 5K. I figured at this point in the car's life it deserves the best. I see them pout the oil in so I feel good about them using the correct stuff. I do.
I think you should check all the greases and change it. Also the most important check all trimmings engine. Clean it very well.
Changed sparkplugs, cleaned TB and MAF and changed the PCV. I can already tell a big difference. I picked up the fluids for the transaxle and coolant. Hopefully can work on those items and the brakes this weekend.
Interestingly the fluids were the same price on Amazon as my dealer. I should have saved a trip and ordered them.