Hmm.... Put food in car to confirm presence of unwanted nuisance rodent...... Doesn't seem like the best logic. Kind of like raising your head up out of the fox hole to see if there is a sniper. You might get the answer....but not in a way you want. Rat now associates your car tomatoes..... I don't know, infestation sounds pretty bad. When you say "Garage" is this a private garage or communal garage area? Because I don't think your going to get the rodents out of, or away from your car unless you get the rats first out of the garage. And that may be a very daunting task.
If they are RATS, it is a daunting task, as rats are very smart.One near miss with a trap and they will never touch a trap again. A bit of a tummy ache after eating some particular item, they will never touch said item again. However, if it is rats, you CAN try a variety of control methods and, with luck, can succeed. just make sure there is NO food of any kind in the car. They then have to forage outside of the car for nourishment (I doubt the soy wires are enough for them). That is when you can catch/trap them. You have to be willing to do this day in and day out for a few weeks, but it can be done. Mice? Easier. Not so smart. Victor Tin Cat or two in the car. A few snap traps in the car. A few around each wheel. Should have population down in three or four days.
I think the only plant-based products in the Prius are the seat foam cushions for sure and possibly some interior plastic trim pieces. Sorry, off topic lol. Rodents really do enjoy certain plastics for some reason, organic or not. iPhone ?
You must have missed the class action suit, Insulation on some of Toyota's wires is a very tatsy soy based bait. 13 Investigates: Lawsuit says Toyota vehicles attract rodents, causing costly repairs - 13 WTHR Indianapolis
i had a nest under the insulation of the hood of our dakota sitting in the barn all winter. haven't tried starting it yet...