My dealer recommended I change the :hybrid axle fluid" on my 2012 Prius with 65000 miles on it. I declined the service until I had a chance to research it. Problem is I can't find references to axle fluid. I see posts on transmission or transaxle fluid but I am not sure if these are the same. Can someone explain what this is, whether it is needed, and what a reasonable price is. Thanks
They are one and the same and you should do a drain and refill (Don't pay extra for a "flush" as it is not useful on a Prius.). My dealer charges $100 for this service and since the materials cost almost $50, that is a reasonable price. Confirm that they will use Toyota type WS Transmission fluid as that is specified in the Prius manual. JeffD
it is not on toyota's maintenance list, because they consider it 'lifetime'. but if you are going to keep the car a long time, many people here recommend it. it's actually very unusual for a dealer to recommend it. most won't even do it, or are very reluctant when you ask them to.
Yeah, that was my first thought; maybe those guys are "keepers". Yes. And the letter-by-letter description in the Owner's Manual, is: GENUINE TOYOTA ATF WS If you're inclined to DIY, or are just curious what's involved, it'll require cracking 4 quarts (or liters) and will actually take around 3.5 quarts. They cost under $10 apiece, and the drain and fill bolt washers are maybe $2 apiece. Unlike a conventional automatic transmission, around 90% drains, so you are getting a near-complete fluid change with one drain and fill.
Toyota needs to get their story straight with these trans axle fluid changes.. they say its "life time fluid" so strange that they recommend draining it. Its a good idea to do don't get me wrong, but come on Toyota, its either recommended or its
Marketing pressure pushes the manufacturers to minimize the amount of periodic maintenance required as a sales feature. That is why Toyota says that the ATF is a "Lifetime fluid". If you read the manuals carefully, you will see a somewhat different schedule for "Harsh environments". My wife's Subaru dealer follows the "Harsh Environment" maintenance schedule for her Crosstrek saying that just the weather variation in Connecticut makes it a harsh environment for cars. JeffD
Why throw that out, considering the Owner's Manual strongly cautions against using anything but the specified Toyota fluid? I mean: fine, it's working for you, but don't evangelize, lol. See this: Pros and cons aside, why go contrary to a strong warning??