I came across this Prius Prime review and at about 6.18 she is talking about an electrical heated windshield! ? I never new the Prime featured that !? I guess she must be mistaking,but what could she mean by that instead ?
She also says the Chevy Volt EV has an all electric range of 238 miles. Perhaps she means the Bolt EV?
seems there's no lack of 'professional' reviewers these days. i suppose with all the lay offs during the recession, it seemed like an easy gig. an electrically heated windshield would be a nice feature.
She sounds like a female version of Jeremy "Turd" Clarkson, but his speaking orifice is usually covered up (Gott sei danke!) by trouserage and not what looks like the pelt of an Orange(sic)-Utan!
I have listened to her podcasts in the past and found her to be intelligent and well spoken. She knows a great deal about electric cars but perhaps she could have avoided a few mistakes with a script. She was right about the potential contribution Toyota could make to the marketplace with a more enthusiastic commitment to electrification. The battery intrusion and rear seat loss are obvious company made compromises to what could otherwise be an even better vehicle. It is easy to be personally insulting.
I think it was a very good review and she is absolutely right ,It seems strange they created a whole new platform called TNGA but didn't think of a clever way to place possible batteries without having to compromise too much on cargo space ! Hyundai created a new Plattform for the Ioniq and they obviously gave thought to it ! At least Toyota could have included some sort of cargo net to separate the cargo from the passenger area. That way you at least could place light stuff,like blankets or whatever on top of the main cargo to use the whole 360 l. of cargo capacity withot it entering the passenger area while braking ! In the German manual Toyota highly recommends not to load over the the back seat hight,so basically they are saying,yes you have 360 l of cargo capacity,but please don't use it all ! That's rediculous,especially if you think about the extreme flat load area the Prime has . Something like this,maybe there will be aftermarket solutions! !?
And what they failed to account for was even if you keep the cargo below the seat backs, in an accident it will come over the seatback at the back of your head! -ANY- cargo should be properly secured. I use a "bungie net" for small light items. Ratchet straps for anything heavy. Takes an extra minute to secure. Could save my life.
That's the next problem,unlike in the normal Prius,they didn't even include tie downs ! I really can't understand Akio Toyoda giving his aproval as the Prius allways stood for interior space and practicability !?
Nikki Gordon Bloomfield knows EVs very well. Presumably she said "Bolt," but sounded like "Volt," or maybe just misspoke. The two names sound so similar that it's easy to mistakenly say one when you mean the other. iPhone ? Pro
For visibility and crash safety, is this really any different than any other vehicle of this form factor? Common cargo nets are not going to adequately restrain many types of common cargo during highway-speed collisions.
Yes but they wanted to inject a bit of style. Yes I'm lamenting the loss of the upper glovebox (still wish it was in the Gen 4) but they did away with that to give a modern dashboard design. If you look at the Gen 2 and 3, they're very utilitarian designs. They're functional, if a bit bulky (particularly the 3rd Gen). The 4th gen has a low cowl and dashboard for a modern car - like the Accords of the early 90s. It aids in visibility and adds to the sense of space.