In the past few weeks, the yellow light has been coming on from time to time (maybe twice in a 12-mile trip) and I have heard beeping. Strangely enough, this has been happening in dry weather. I don't detect any change in what the car is doing, but it's odd to have that light flashing and hearing the beep. Is this a sign my tires need to be replaced, or of something else -- or of nothing at all?
It would help some if you could describe which yellow light; there are more than one. It would help a lot to pull the diagnostic codes from the car using a suitable reader. Your thinking seems to be running along the lines of stability or traction control. The computer that does that has a rudimentary way to blink out trouble codes when triggered by a short piece of wire. That will only show actual trouble codes, as in, if it really thinks there is a problem. If the control has just been activating under certain driving conditions and doing what it's supposed to, it won't log trouble codes. On the other hand, it does remember the last several (four, maybe?) times it activated, what was happening at the time, the power, all four wheel speeds, acceleration and cornering g forces, etc. That can be read out any time using Techstream. That might give you something to go on. -Chap
I am sorry not to have been clearer. I meant the yellow light on the left side of the instrument panel with the picture of the car slipping around the road.
Are you pulling fast u-turns, or accelerating rapidly through a sharp turn when the error light flashes? If yes, then it's the traction control detecting differences between the inside and outside wheel speed.
The pressures have been OK, but it's true that the four tires are not the same model. I had a flat several thousand miles ago, and the tire dealer insisted I only needed one tire and the model is different from the rest. . But the problem didn't start then.
Thanks, but I'm doing neither of those things. I'm engaged in fairly normal driving. I'm a scaredy-cat and don't do anything exotic.
About 3000 miles ago, assuming the Toyota dealer did what it was supposed to. It sounds like you also think there is a tire issue here.
just guessing. no idea really, except i've read you should match tires on the axle, it can affect the speed sensor. i thought maybe moving the odd tire to the front might have caused a problem, but maybe not after 3,000 miles.
Craig, I don't know if the light has stored a code that a ScanGauge will read but I'm close enough to take a look at the car. Send me a PM if you're interested.