I am following a Youtube guide for replacing the hybrid battery and i have just taken off the cover to the terminals and have run into an issue. my tutorial says that after removing the electrical safety plug( orange thing on battery to pull off) that on both sets of terminals there should be zero volts where instead the ones connecting to the leads have no voltage but the others are putting out about 105 volts.is this normal and my tutorial is wrong or is there something more wrong with the battery.
Ditto the above. To reiterate, no that's not normal and do not proceed until there's no voltage at those terminals. Good thing you checked.
You're voltmeter has a very high impedance, at least 10 Mohm. The slightest leakage current will show voltage. You could get a banana jack and put a 1/2 w 470 kohm resistor across it to load down your meter. Or you could just not worry about it.