it there a way for the car to read your incoming text messages to you and then can you reply? Friends say that there car can, non-toyota
Thank you, I saw another threat to this just after I posted and figured out the settings I needed change I will test it out tomorrow on sending a text
Just to pass on, when holding down the phone unhook button, not just pushing it but pushing it and holding it in, it it initiates Siri and from there you can say give so-and-so a phone call on their mobile or you can say text message so-and-so. When you receive a text message it can read it to you, the car that is additionally when stopped at a stoplight it will display what it believes was the text translation. You will see in the phone dialog box on the big screen an envelope on the far right that is your messages.
Sending a text using my fingers is sometimes frustrating enough as the "smart nice person" phone changes words all the time and then I am scrambling to re send with the proper wording. That is when using my fingers. What about when you are sending a text via the notoriously unreliable Siri, verbally?? Does it give you at least a chance to review before she sends off some potentially break-up inducing non-sense to someone?
When I receive text messages or email, my Prius Prime Advanced will l offer to read the text to me. It will not display the text, nor will it allow me to text back, while I'm driving. I use the Galaxy S7 phone. I don't recall having to do any setup other than the pairing using Bluetooth. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
No and does it get it WAAYYYY wrong, YES. I had install the carplay on my 2010 just 4 months ago before getting my Prius Prime Advanced. The carplay before sending it would read it back to you and many times I would just cancel it becouse it would get it so so wrong and just wait till I can type it in. With holding down the call botton on the Steering will, it activates Siri and you can send a text message that way I did it yesterday I'm just not remembering right now if it reads it back to you. I thought it did before sending. The car noise cancellation and microphone seems to be much much better than my previous car play and 2010 Prius so it gets it much better at least from what I could tell but then again it was a short text message I had sent.
I hope when you say that you're frustrated when using your fingers, you're not talking about texting while driving. The easiest and safest way to read and reply to texts while driving is to wait until you're no longer driving it.
Yes texting and driving not good.
Yes Siri will read the proposed text back to you and ask to change or send it. You can also send messages when offline (it queues up), you can send at a later time (schedule), you can hang up a phone call (Hey Siri, hang up the call) and a few other things.