My Prime should be on the shipping truck in the next two days, coming 1900 miles from Vermont to south Texas. It is not here yet but its license plate holder just got here today I hope to excite some interest in this amazing car with this license plate. Stainless steel, brushed finish, laser etched writing.
When my neighbor sees another Prius in my garage, my neighbor comment will be "You know you are in Texas (silence for 3 sec)", "you need a pick up truck"
Or Colbert's joke from a few weeks ago, in a bit he does issuing royal edicts: Henceforth, people who drive a Prius will not be permitted to put an "I Support NPR" bumper sticker on their cars. We already know.
lol. Funny thing is 90%+ of pick up trucks have nothing they are carrying in the back. It is just a culture thing. You cannot have a horse, so now you have a pick up truck Merged. Here's a better edict : Henceforth, people who drive a Prius will not be permitted to put an " I support NRA" bumper sticker on their cars. That I would like
Just put truck nuts on your Prime they might not notice it is a Prius. Some guy tried to coal roll me today when I got in the turning lane. He was loud going by me but failed to put anything out the pipe. I just laughed.
Most of the pick-up trucks I see here in the North East seem to have been purchased for the sole purpose of transporting the egos of their drivers, even though the trucks' over-large beds are usually empty!