I picked up a left over 2016 v Two in late Dec 2016. Coming from a 2013 outback, I am very happy overall. We had a warm spell in the 50's (f) in Jan and Feb so I decided to wash the car. Typically at home, the car is always unlocked in the garage with key always in the car, using velcro to keep it in place. I just don't care for more in my pockets than needed. I do miss not having someplace to keep the key. Anyway, strange as it sounds, when I was rinsing the soap off the car for the 1st time, there was a steady beep that sounded for 5-10 sec. when the hose went by the drivers door handle. Move the hose, and it stops. I tried it a few times with the same result. A month later I again washed the car, with the same result. I have had no issues, so I am assuming this is normal. Thoughts?
FWIW I never leave the key(s) FOB(s) in the car but have you tried simply moving the key FOB into the house away from the car and trying again? I do know that if my wife leaves/forgets her purse in the car when we stop and power off the car it beeps at us as we walk away. In this case my key FOB is in my pocket...
We live in the country, and when we are home, there is no issue with safety. I pull the car out of the garage to wash it, so running back and forth with a key is clumsy (OK I may be lazy), we also don't like the key clutter in the house. That being said when ever we go somewhere and parked, the car is always locked.
I think it's normal. Mine does something similar. I recall reading somewhere that the keyless sensors can respond to water the same as your hand.
The car was trying to lock, which is normal when getting wet. However with the fob inside the car it was warning you that it can't lock, hence the steady beeping. Most of this is covered in the manual. When washing the car its best to leave the fob elsewhere. I'll also second the notion that leaving the fob in the car is a bad idea. I'm not sure but I also suspect it might result in increased battery drain for the fob.
We also have an '08 with 145,000 miles (bought new in '07), never had a problem with any of the batteries 12v, traction or fob. Same thing with all of our vehicles parked in the garage. Maybe the '16's are different.
Yeah whenever I wash the car I'll take the fob out of my pocket and tuck it in a safe spot in the garage. Well, sometimes I forget, get OP's symptoms, and then do it.
While it might be "normal" under the circumstances, because the water on the door handle activates the touch sensitive areas on the handle......what you have described is a BAD thing to do.....for two main reasons: With the FOB inside the car, the alarm/entry system never goes completely "to sleep" like it is supposed to when parked. That can contribute to early 12 V battery failure. While I'm sure you think it would never happen (we all know that WE are perfect, right), your arrangement means that eventually you will exit the car somewhere other than home and leave the FOB on the dashboard. Hopefully there won't be a thief nearby when you do that.
I think one person was close with capacitive sensor . I had the same issue and validated my theory. If the water stream is continuous and if you have a hand in contact with the water, either touching the stream, or via a metallic handle it will activate the locks. When you move your hand off of the handle or use a plastic handle, the problem will go away. Of course, all this assumes you have the FOB on your person. Hope this helps!