Well, here it is the end of January, and wanted to record the following results from the dashboard gauges: 1486 mi since purchase (edit..) 5.1 mi/kwh EV range 33.7 after charge avg speed while system active 22 mph EV driving ratio 93% system active time 68:34 The Entune app for advanced model show mpg up to 999.9, unlike dashboard on vehicle which only goes to 199.9. per the app: 106.41 mi at 999 mpg Nov '16 523.49 mi at 622.1 mpg Dec '16 844.38 mi at 401.2 mpg Jan '17 so far the fuel gauge is down 2 bars, so if I don't make any out of town trips, it may be summer before first fillup.
5.1KWh/mile and 33.7miles per charge don't sound right with a 8.8KWh battery... I'm guessing you mean 5.1 miles/KWh? That would suggest ~6.6KWh of the 8.8KWh battery usable for EV operation, which is probably reasonably plausible: Perhaps 1.2ish KWh in reserve, 6.6ish KWh for EV mode, and 1.0ish KWh for HV operation... Anyway, I sure like the 33.7miles per charge! What tire type and pressure? We're going to have to follow each other on Twitter so that we can use the ECO Dashboard for bragging rights!
That's great! I do think that mr88cet is right about the miles vs kWh, though. My PiP on the first 2 tanks, has gotten 3.82 and 3.84 EV miles/kWh, so if your fraction is upside down, you blew me away! Sounds like you have a perfect driving setup for staying in EV. You might have to drive in HV once in a while to keep the gas from going stale.
Aaack; Yes, statistical dyslexia. Let me edit that to correct. Tires have been at stock psi; 36 front and 35 rear Toyo NanoEnergy A29 P195/65R15 89S M+S I was thinking of going 40 front and 38 rear.
Ah, P195s just like on my Touring Gen-2... I was guessing the P.Prime uses P185s like the non-Touring Gen-2s. Anyway... I'd say you're doing quite impressively with that! 33.7 miles on a charge is pretty awesome! I notice you live down South like me. You might be getting better results than our friends up North from not having to fight the cold.
When my P.Prime comes in ("come home to daddy!"), I'm planning to normally fill up only 2-3 gallons or so per trip, to reduce the chances of gas ... rotting.
you're having the same problem as me, i filled up on october 7th, still have half a tank. going to florida for 5 weeks in our hycam, might have to burn off some gas intentionally when we get back.
i retired 2 1/2 years ago, so i only drive 15-20 miles a day, typically all ev. in the summer, when my father is back for florida, it's 100+ miles twice a week. so this tank includes a week of that until he left. everything we need is within 20 miles, and when we travel, we take the hycam. i've only done 50,000 miles in almost 5 years, and that includes 3 years of a 15 mile r/t commute with charging at work, and various work related travel. currently at 32,000 ev and 18,000 hv.
i'm at 2,000 miles, i have to try and beat my best from june of '14; 2,757 mile tank. edit: my last fill up was 10/27, not 10/7 as reported in my post above.
Really would like to find a calculator that could do a side-by-side comparison. Would like to plug in the following numbers Cost per kilowatt hour my utility company is charging me my distance I'm able to travel on a charge i.e. my driving habits the outcome would provide me amount per mile it's costing me The other comparison would be your standard miles per gallon cost of gasoline distance I'm traveling outcome cost per mile in gasoline Does anyone know of such a calculator I'm considering trying to make one.
Are you planning to get a Prime, or did you already & just haven't had a chance to update your vehicle information? Either way, there is a Google Docs spreadsheet for that here. PIP & MPG Spreadsheet | PriusChat I wanted a little more info, so I downloaded it and added some calculations for cost per 100 miles for my PiP, for a 49 mpg gen 2, and for a regular 28 mpg car. It should get interesting when gas prices head back up.
The car will tell you lifetime miles per kWh -- call that 'm' The utility tells you the pennies per kWh -- call that 'c' c/m = pennies per mile This calc does not include electricity wasted during charging. That increases your cost some 15%, but it depends on your charger.
It is a bit hidden. From this display Click on the down button on the steering wheel until you reach the data you want.