Carista gave me a code for the 12V battery a while ago (subscription is over so I can't see the code anymore). I installed Torque to check again, but it reads no codes at all. Which one shall I believe now? My intention was to clear the code with Torque and check again in a few days to see if it comes up again. Possibly I haven't chosen the best method, so recommendations welcome. Edit: I should have mentioned that I'm using the Carista OBDII adapter.
I don't know if this helps, but in the absence of any other replies:- When I was initially trying to get my Torque OBDII adaptor working (by unplugging and reinserting it) I caused several new error codes, mainly ABS and TCS related, I think the adaptor glitched the canbus momentarily to falsely generate these by creating a communication hesitation/reset to those ECUs. The Torque app didn't show any of these codes; I only discovered them when I next used my Techstream diag. tool on the car. (No error light was displayed on the dash at any time). So for me, the Torque app missed those codes. I've never used Carista.