I live in a nice area but we have a car break in problem lately with thieves coming in from the surrounding areas. The PD gives the usual advice of leave nothing of value visible. But what do we do when this massive 11.6" screen is going to always be clearly visible? I have a house but we don't have a garage. If we get this car it would be in our garageless driveway. I plan on tinting the windows to help a bit. Just wondered no how enticing these screens look to thieves? We all know it won't be an easy smash and grab but they have to smash to figure that out haha. I really want the premium model for the extra features. I have an older PiP in the driveway now with no issues but man is that screen easily spotted!
Leave a sign in the window that says, "If you mess with this car I will hunt you down...at a reasonable speed as not to hurt my great gas mileage/electric charge...and box your ears when I catch up to you." If that does not work I have a Plan B. Get a set of truck nuts and hook them up to the Prime. They will think you are a tough guy like them and leave it alone.
If you want something that will deter thieves away, use a motion detector alarm system. You know, the type that announces, "You have 10 seconds to step away from the car", or something to that affect.
Yeah I might look into something. I just don't want to be the guy waking up the whole neighborhood every time a cat walks by my car. I'll do some research.
Aren't most car thefts involving new cars either smash and grab (a bag or mobile phone left on a seat) or the car is stolen to order (and they then want your keys). I doubt the screen makes a difference. And even if it increases the risk slightly isn't your enjoyment of the car on a daily basis more important? iPhone ?
I don't think they can get the screen out in a hurry. For the same amount of time they could steal the whole car... Ask your local P.D. what the thieves are targeting now. They'll know. I haven't heard of any big market in used touch screens that are suitable for just one kind of car.
The 17 Prius plugin premium screen isn't going to be a hot commodity until someone needs one, and knows how to remove one quickly, without damaging it, and is willing to steal, or in other words do the time, not much of a market, but if you call your insurance company and put a special rider on the screen, possibly 50$ a year, hey, yer covered, or just put in a claim and pay the deductible, of course an internet camera set up for motion detection directed at the car would be a god idea, nest offers cameras (prices vary) that record motion for free, so if you do get robbed, chances are you will get a glimps of the perp, that's willing to do the time, for your 17 Prius plugin premium screen Air bags are a commodity, I'm wondering if anyone has EVER had their head unit stolen.
Wasn't there a problem with catalytic converters being taken at one time? For the screen just get some duct tape and write "Apple C" on it. They won't go for something that outdated.
Still is. They are after the platinum and other metals, quite valuable and also located outside of the vehicle. And damaging the convertor while removing it doesn't affect the value
I get what you're saying. I was more thinking along the line of some bum thinking it's a docked iPad or something that they could snatch quick so they bust my window.
I believe some thieves think that screen is a small laptop, until the window is broken. Then you have a mess to clean up.
If you’re mainly concerned about the car while it’s parked in your driveway, I’d suggest installing a motion-activated floodlight on the house, with the infrared sensor aimed so anyone walking up to the car will cause the area to be illuminated. This could be an effective deterrent, especially if the light turns on suddenly, stays on longer than most thieves would be willing to loiter, and isn’t obviously controlled by a sensor. The light would be off most of the time, so it wouldn’t use much energy, and with care in choosing and aiming the lamps, it is unlikely to disturb your neighbors.
Or get a printout of a BSOD and tape it in front then use it as a sunscreen. Make them think your car crashed. Or just as good maybe put a cardboard cutout that divides or shrinks the screen, making it look more embedded. Crap even some big yellow sticky notes with writing on it making it look like reminder board. Cut out a piece of cork board about the same size and place real pushpins in with notes. Of course there's always the picture of a car's dash that's already been stripped with wires hanging out. Put that on a piece of cardboard along with some real wires hanging out taped to it. Unsupervised!
The screen is proprietary to Toyota more specifically to the Prius Prime. This is not a stand alone unit that someone can grab and stick into another car. Given that, plus the fact that it runs a Toyota operating system and it wont really fit into another Toyota vehicle because of tis gigantic size - theres no real resale value. Thus, it will never be a hot item to thieves.
It doesnt take a math major to figure out that the head unit is A LOT larger than a standard double din unit which fits to most modern cars. Unless you have an after market head unit no one really tries to steal them anymore because it most likely wont work with any car. Even if you tried to stick it into a similar make and model it still needs to have the same upgraded options. Which means its a replacement use case not an upgrade. Ive never heard of anyone breaking into a Tesla just to steal their gigantic head units.
King County Hospital in Brooklyn is in the middle of a very poor neighborhood. Sometimes coming and going to the hospital as poor resident physicians at all times of the day and night, we would have no choice but to park our high mileage used vehicles in the street outside the hospital. Our cars were broken into frequently. My friend once put a sign on the passenger seat front window stating, "NO Radio inside", hoping to avoid someone smashing the window to break in, yet again. Some 36 hours later, at some ungodly hour during the night or early morning, we were dragging our broken bodies to the car to go and catch a few hours of sleep when coming to the car we saw the window smashed in and the sign was sitting on the passenger seat, with these words written below NO Radio inside, "Just checking". Despite the frustration and anger we could not help but laugh out. He sold the car for a few hundred dollars and started taking the subway.
^ At that point, they might as well have parked with the windows down. Back in the day when Integras were all the rage, my dad told me a story of his colleague parking his Integra with the windows down and glovebox open to show there was nothing to steal (and to avoid broken glass). When it rained, he'd substitute it with an unlocked door. It just wasn't worth having to replace the glass time and time again.