Hello all, I am in need of some bigtime help here...... For the life of me I cannot figure out how to remove or install part 75607-47010-00 This is the black plastic trim piece at the rear of the roof right above the hatch. There is one nut under the interior roof trim in the center but then there are a series of studs sticking up from the roof that are totally secured to the car with no way to loosen them. The rest of the trim has "C" shape clips that secure around these studs but they are in different directions. For the life of me I cannot figure it out. number 7 in the picture
In the Repair Manual, Toyota calls your part the “roof top moulding sub-assembly,” and for reinstallation, the torque specification for the 7 nuts is 7.0 N·m {71 kgf·cm, 62 in·lbf}. Also, when reinstalling the “rear roof drip side finish moulding sub-assembly” (item 3) on each side, the manual says to use two new clips (item 4, 90467-08225), a new cap (item 5, 67772-95J03), and a new gasket (item 6, 90430-09003), rather than reusing the removed parts. Just out of curiosity, why are you disassembling the roof garnish? To mount an antenna?
Thank you so much. I am considering either putting down vinyl or plastidip and before I decide I want to see what I would be getting into removing the hardware- this includes the rear molding, the sharkfin, and the side strips. The sharkfin was easy to remove but I was really stumped on this part. The parts list as pictured in the initial post seems to indicate only one screw so I figured the rest of the secure points were probably clips like the two drip side finish pieces. I reached around up under the interior roof liner to see but I didnt feel anything at first and considering the price of this plastic piece I opted to make sure before I broke it!!
Goes wihout saying, BUT it's inch pounds specd above, peanuts, I wouldn't even bother finding the torque wrench. There was someone read an inch pound value as feet, took the head right off a teeny bolt.
Did you ever figure this out I just tried reinstalling using the existing clips and breaking two of them and of course didn't torque it so it flew off the freeway and now i just realized the salvage one i bought has all six tabs broken! Any thoughts on the part numbers i can't find number 8
The diagram in the original post didn't give a lot of information, wherever it came from. The diagram from parts.toyota.com is more useful: At least, looking at that diagram, you see that there are (7) of the 90119-06A08 bolt and (7) of the 90176-06045 nut, which can save some time spent on head-scratching.