Second post attempted: Said must wait 132 seconds, at it took me some time to get in gear. So maybe the site has a 3 minute (180 second) minimum time between postings?
So, is this a new "bug" or feature? It is a pity there is not something like a forum thread that could be used to announce new website features.
Or to announce known website problems. Or to offer communications of any sort about the site from the site manager . . . ? ? ? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Perhaps it can be classed as a psychological disorder in the DSM? Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Wikipedia
Hah: considering your sign-up date and posts to date, that's the pot calling the kettle black. Me, I can quit any time. Really...
Is now a good time to weigh in with my unique "conspiracy theory" as to why the Prius Chat website goes funny for 3 hours per daily cycle? Here goes; Methinks the website has been compromised by.....ALIENS. No, not the Ellen Ripley kind, with a penchant for treating your average human being like crunchy finger food at a free for all xenomorph buffet. No. I'm talking about undetected Alien visitors to our world who are quietly living amongst us (on a classified mission) and have taken a rather keen interest in the denizens of this blue backwater terrestrial ball; THEY.....are particularly fascinated in those of us who are members of Prius Chat. Why? Y'see, we come across as a discerning breed of humans that seem to appreciate a certain vehicular propulsion technology a disturbing percentage of the human populace not only insist on ignoring, but also treat with unbridled albeit illogical derision. Naturally, our hidden Alien visitors are obsessed with Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive, because they used similar technology on their home worlds in the past. So, we unusually clever humans affiliated to Prius Chat are an enigma to our unseen Alien visitors, destined to be studied. They realise the human race can still be redeemed, IF people like us can see the logic and wholesome sanity behind ownership of HSD powered vehicles - as against ordinary V8 ICE powered behemoths. Ergo, for about 3 hours a day, our friendly neighbourhood Alien beings from another world, logon to Prius Chat directly from their Mothership in orbit, and proceed to peruse the forum lists therein, trying to ascertain what makes us better evolved humans than your average "low brow" Neanderthal motorist with his great big whacking V8 polluting monster truck (Prius Chat members with trucks are excluded, obviously ). So, there's the mystery resolved. Our online postings are being carefully psycho-analysed in an attempt to ascertain why we can see and acknowledge what other motorists are seemingly unable to comprehend. I did say it was a conspiracy theory (Cue the spooky Theme from X-Files......). Enjoy the weekend, one and all iPhone ?
Every now and then I have to uninstall and reinstall my Priuschat app on my Android device to get it to work properly. Not site whether this is a Tapatalk problem or the app not coping with the Priuschat site problems and getting rubbish in its cache. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.