I got routed up and over a mountain, so I was doing something like 15-20 mph with the HSI bar all the way to the end. I stopped for a moment and smelled the distinct scent of burning oil. Keep in mind that only a week ago I did an oil change and drain/fill the ATF. It's possible the engine got so hot that it "cooked off" oil residue on the outside. Smell has not been back.
last time i got to the top of pikes peak, there was a distinct smell of overheated automatic transmission. Fortunately, it was a rental (non-prius).
Could be oil drippings or undercoat over-spray on the exhaust too. Hopefully something like that. I've notice aroma, with various cars over the years, in similar situation. A long uphill is a hard workout for the car.
I took a closer look around the engine yesterday. Everything is clean. My guess is oil drippage getting heated and cooking off...nothing to worry about.