I am considering buying a Prius because I drive alot. One is a 2010 III not Three, only 2010 used uppercase Roman numerals for model designation with 186,000 miles with leather ans solar sunroof. That many miles on a 7 year old car concerns me. I really like it. The other is a 2011 Three with 108,000 and cloth. Suggestions?
If you drive a lot, you should get one with lower miles. The miles will add up quicker than you think, best to start off with lower miles. 2011 sounds good
Hard to recommend anything without prices. But from what you said I would've consider the 2010. That's too many miles when you drive a lot.
I drive about 400-500 miles a week. I want to keep it 10 years. The 2011 gold with cloth Prius III is 8,950 with 103K miles, the 2010 is White and leather is $7000 with 186K but I found a 2013 IV white with leather with 90k for $10,800
If you can swing the difference the 2013 is the one to get. A lot of improvements were introduced in 2012. I can see wanting to save $2000 for the 2011. They're both good prices.