Unable to connect or log into website the last couple of days on the PriusChat app (Android). Also, the whole website was down initially, couldn't get on using regular browser, so it might have something to do with that? Maybe something wasn't reset/reloaded to enable the mobile apps?
LOL! You might have something there. I got a little insomnia about 2 AM and noticed that I had been forbidden access.
I find the site looks pretty good viewing on an iPhone just with Safari browser. I think I talked my self into tapatalk once, way back, then didn't much see the point of it after a while. If anything it was harder to navigate.
A few times in the morning my browser gets an error from the Apache web server saying that /forum/ does not exist. I doubt it is taken offline for backups...
Ok for me this morning but not accessible yesterday morning or the day before. Site was responding to a Ping, which is the basis on which the "is it down" sites claim it's up, but not actually working. That it's to say- I could get in to see the site- but when I tried to open any threads it just waited and waited and nothing happened. Good thing the Prius is more reliable than Priuschat!! Wouldn't sell many Priuschats with this reliability record... EDIT Another glitch. Just tried 6 times or more to repost this after editing. Update request being ignored by Priuschat. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
i shouldn't have posted. ever since, getting the 'you must wait 101 seconds before posting'. searched and searched for this thread on 'website questions forum'.
Every 10 seconds while on the page, up in the upper right hand corner, a small black box with vertical lines flashes for a split second. Other than that, have had no problems on the site in the past few days.
If you use the Tapatalk Prius chat app, you can turn to "Participated" and see all the threads you've posted to. Works well, at least that is, when the Priuschat site works. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.