Hello guys, I got recently my Prius with JBL audio. The thing that disappoints me a bit is that when I listen to Jazz or other music with intense bass sound at volume set to 21 or higher the driver side door sounds as it has fallen apart, as if there is something loose and it just makes extra noise. Has anyone experienced something similar? I wonder if it is defective speaker or some parts of the door are loose When I apply a bit of pressure to the center of the door just below the window controls sound is normal so I tend to think it is something loose in the door. I signed it up to check up with my dealer - 10th of April.
I get a small rattling from it in similar conditions. It annoys me too. But I wouldn't characterize it as sounding like it was falling apart. More like a buzzing almost. iPhone ?
Yepp rattling but given the premium they ask for this JBL thing and it sounds worse than my old Toyota Avensis 2007....
I have this exact problem as well! Same thing when I put pressure on the interior door handle, rattling goes away. I took the car into the dealership and asked them to look at it. They said they filled the panel with some insulation, which I initially thought helped, but I still get the rattling every now and then with certain bass tones. It drives me crazy! The dealership said that they may need to order another panel for the door if the problem persists, but I'm a bit skeptical they'll actually do that.
Mine was at the dealer and they replaced some of the plastic bits that hold the door together. I think the rattling as it used to be at volume around 21-22 is completely gone. But as I push the sound volume up the whole thing just starts to rattle - dashboard, doors you name it....So for now I am happy listening to music at moderate volume. This is very silly given that my previous Toyota's have no such issues even when volume is at maximum only the speakers distort the sound the interior holds well.... Anyway I guess the Prius is made much lighter and this is one of the side effects.
Rattle proofing a car for stereo sound perfection can be a hobby. This may end up being your project not a warranty upgrade. I have some many stories. Dynamat, Velcro, felt, clay, rubber can all be utilized. Since you mention doors I'd start there. Dyno the outer metal door skin from the inside, foam line the inner door panel edges where it contacts the door frame, secure door panel retainers in any method that works. None the less have fun de-rattling and enjoying music.
I had a mysterious rattle in the door panel on my 4 touring. Sounded like it was coming from the window frame or the gap between the arm rest and the door panel. I tried banging on the door panel and cracking the window up and down and seemed to go away for awhile. Then I moved the seat beat height adjustment thing and it stopped completely. Hope this helps a few of you Prius chat cats.