Hello, What I believe to be the front splash shield on my 2014 Gen 3 Prius has been damaged, and I am looking for a replacement. Which part do I need? I attached a photo of what it looks like on my car; you can see I duct taped it for a few months. Thanks!
It's this: You might be able to repair it though. You can remove it without even raising the front, with a ratchet and 10 mm socket, and there's one push-in plastic fastener I believe. Ours was chewed up some, from going over curbs and wheel stops, then dragging/snagging as you back off. Poor design in this regard. Anyway, I repaired from the back with some fiberglass mesh and 2-part expoxy.
Wow thanks! I really appreciate it! How much did you pay for yours and where can I find the cheapest one?
Poor splash guard vs Poor drivers skillsMy vote is to splash guardNo hard feelings Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I just repaired ours. You might check Toyota Parts Online, they might be cheaper. The ad above is Amazon (US). Amazon (Can) is some extortionary number, I don't even want to think about it. What happens if you roll the wheel up to some concrete wheel stops, sometimes the stop is high enough that the front piece rides up and over it. Then when you back up it's like a barbed hook, snags royally, tears itself. I'm not sure how that equals poor driving skills from the get go, it's just something you don't realize the first time or two. If you catch it soon enough it's repairable, and you just avoid using wheel stops in future. A few pics. The base of the circle posts is where the damage occurs, a combination of abrasion and levering:
What i do. .... Look how low is my shield guard ...example My Prime is low... I never park all the way against the curb Walking out and checking over multiple parkings you will learn how far are you to the curb ....so after some time you will have full confidence Some habits are hard to change...but this advice will make you better at parking Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Our son found one, you know how they're often nailed to the ground with rebar, well this one had rebar that had been left sticking out about 5". Night time. Made a nice mess.
RockAuto, $30: More Information for VARIOUS MFR TO1093124 And it's very good quality, that's the replacement I bought. If the little squares on the bumper cover are damaged where those plastic fasteners go into that the bolts bolt into are damaged (like mine were), I used the spring type clips that have nuts fastened to them. I think they are more secure than the push in plastic type stock clips. When I bought my car, the previous owner had ran over a parking curb so hard that it twisted the lower radiator bracket backward. I've got pulled forward almost back into shape but one of these very ambitious weekends I'm going to pull the radiator and replace the parts.
I've posted links to this site several times, really nice to have a place for parts that is way less than Toyota wants. I have no affiliation with them other than a happy customer. 14 2014 Toyota Prius Lower Engine Cover - Body Mechanical & Trim - Action Crash, Front - PartsGeek
@ussyicheng Before commiting to buying a new one, for sure pull off the one you have on there and assess it's condition. It is not necessary to raise the car, takes about 5 minutes. Some fiberglass mesh and 2 part epoxy may be all you need.
Well, I'm curious then. When I bought my Prius the front splash shield was missing. On the trailing edge of the bumper cover is 5 (I think) square tabs with square holes in them. In the front of the splash shield are round holes, I assumed for bolts. So what went in the square tabs with the square holes in the bumper cover and what originally attached the splash shield to the bumper cover?
Nylon cubes I think I think it's item #18 here: BUMPER & COMPONENTS - FRONT for 2011 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts It's a white nylon block with locking tangs and a flange, with an opening the the coarse-thread metal screws tap into, 6 locations? Blue circled in pic: The middle loc'n is the plastic push-in fastener, and the rear row (mostly red circle above) are the machine bolts. Maybe try parts department first, just to verify fit?
A couple of the square tabs on the bumper cover were split when the previous owner ripped the splash shield off, therefore I used the spring type clips with nuts fastened onto them, similar to these: I suppose the problem now is that if I ever catch that splash shield on something, its going to do a whole lot more damage to the bumper cover.