16 year old daughter somehow hit a curb in a parking lot. Both front wheels and tires are shot. Got the car towed home, put it up on stands and discovered the right control arm is bent, and the axle apparently rubbed against the crossmember. I am really bummed because I love this car. I'm pretty handy around cars, but before I just start taking stuff off I thought I would seek comment, advice, and any instructions that might be out there. Plus any decent source for cheap wheels - I might just buy some bargain bin alloys to go on it if I can't find any salvage rims.
Insurance would cover it, but 16 year old driver would mean a huge increase in my rate. I'm going to have to fix it myself.
my 16 year old daughter, backed through the garage door. i also did not put a claim in, and fixed it myself. all the best!
Sounds expensive. There might be frame alignment issues as well, in addition to the obvious suspension damage.
what kind of curbs do you have there in Montgomery? it must be the Alabama thing, because my kid damaged a wheel by curbing in Auburn.
OK, finally got started today. Could not remove the right lower control arm as the bolt on the bushing part could not be backed out enough...the oil filter housing was in the way. Either the cross member or the engine itself moved out of position in the collision. OR, the right lower control arm can't be removed without removing the filter housing or dropping the whole cross member. I have a service manual I bought on eBay but it's no help. Has anyone removed the right lower control arm on a Gen III?
The oil filter housing is relatively easy to remove. Here's a website link referenced recently from another thread here on PriusChat: The 2016+ Toyota 2zr Engine oil filter conversion - Armstrong Family Blog