While driving my 2017 Prius 2 with the right rear window down about 2/3 and all the other windows up the wind noise and buffeting is severe. My speed was about 50 mph. It reminds me of the prop-wash from a helicopter.I estimate the noise level to be over 80 db. with a lot of buffeting of passenger seat also. Any others with this problem?
Just crack the other back window open somewhat and it'll stop the buffeting. Happens to many if not most modern vehicles at higher speeds because of aerodynamics, this isn't a 'unique to Prius' issue nor problem.
Most cars today are meant to be driven with windows closed all the time to improve fuel efficiency by not letting cooled/warm air out, and most of all not ruin aerodynamics.
Yes, every car I've owned in the last 25 years couldn't drive above 40km/hr with any windows down, particularly back ones. Since they got rid of ΒΌ Vents, it seems that cars have been designed not to be driven with windows down. I suspect it also coincided with Air-conditioning becoming standard equipment.
Yep... the buffeting issue is only having 1 window down. You have to at least crack one other window. That goes for any car, not just a prius
Yikes! I have owned my car for over a year and never ever lowered my rear windows before when driving at "the prevailing rate of speed" on the highway. The amount of buffeting was crazy. I never would have guessed how much. Thanks for added some fun to my long drive home .
I had a 1970 Ford Cortina and when I once left one of the rear windows open the vacuum created in the car sucked the headlining down over my face.
There was a CORTINA - I think later than 1970 (?) - a journalist was testing top speed, and the back window blew out. Not sure if windows were open or not. They had a few quality issues - they also had a road-test vehicle with the lettering on the boot/trunk spelling "C O R I T N A"