Never had a hybrid before. A little concerned about the mileage. Vehicle 1 (I have no idea of the exact trim) is 2012 with 139k miles on CarGurus for 28 days. They're asking $8.9k - private seller. Vehicle 2 is a 2012 v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon. Only 2010 Prius used uppercase roman numerals for model designation) Five with 62,333 miles and dealer won't budge from $14,999 on CarGurus for 58 days. Our '08 Dodge Caliber SXT - yes it was almost 10 years old but looked brand new but it was totaled nearly 3 weeks ago. We're two adults who really take care of our vehicles. Should the over 100k miles concern me as a hybrid buyer? Our mechanic whom we used for a very long time said he doesn't know much about them and would recommend us getting anything hybrid related performed at dealer or a mechanic that specializes in hybrids. He can take care of everything else to do with the gas engine. Any thoughts and insight would be greatly appreciated. We can pay cash for the one with higher miles. Would have to finance either by taking a home equity loan or getting a loan at the credit union for about 1/2 of the lower mileage one. The dealer isn't CarMax or another no negotiation dealer so I'm clueless as to why they aren't interested in even entertaining an offer for less. Thanks in advance for your input.
welcome! prius last a long time. occasionally, as you can read on these forums, someone has a very expensive problem not covered under warranty. as long as you are prepared for that, you'll be fine. one caveat on buying used is how the car was treated during it's life. how hard was it driven and what regular maintenance did it receive. no one has a crystal ball. all the best!
I don't know the best.... these cars read as not an apple to apple comparison. FWIW the v5 at $15K is less than 50% depreciation after 7 years. Pretty strong number and age over mileage can mean the expensive battery repair. The other one $9K seems like the typical used car sale over 100K mileage, so if pristine, only driven to church on Sunday, PPI checks out..well good luck. For me, neither I'd probably keep looking.
As noted in other threads on Prius Chat you can go to the Toyota Owners site, register and input a VIN to see the service history presuming of course you know the VIN for the vehicles and they have been maintained either at a Toyota dealer or DIY and the information has been input into the system. Toyota Owners Official Web Site
Thank you! I checked out carfax and Toyota Owners. Looks like it has been well maintained. The one at the dealer was in a minor rear end collision which was repaired at a Toyota dealer in FL in '15. Also, dealer has it listed as a v three. When I pull it up on carfax and toyota owners, it shows as just a Prius v. They're asking $12,795. Based on the rear end collision and the mileage 87,215 we don't want to pay a penny more than $12k out the door. Thinking our offer 1 is going to be $11,5k It isn't at a Toy dealer, it is at a Mazda dealer. Will they laugh us out of the showroom? We also want our mechanic to take a look ASAP before we even commit. Thanks for your input and whatever other advice you give.