bummer! depends on what you want and need. i've read from $300. to $1,200., no insurance? couple watch out fors: non oem glass (not necessarily a bad thing) if you have hud, and oem glass that triples the image or something, there are threads here.
That's only your windshield if you exclusively drive in reverse. Don't know about price to repair but that sucks, sorry it even had to happen. Did you leave something valuable within view of people walking by or did they smash hoping to find something to grab?
If you are in El Dorado Hills, you could check in Rancho Cordova with the auto recyclers on Recycle Road. There are plenty of front end hits on Gen3 Prii and will part out anything useable.
The rear window has the defrost wires in it, which could up the cost somewhat. Obviously, start with your insurance company...
I had a few hundred dollars in tools back there. I do have insurance with $500 dedeuctible. Just sucks I just did a $3,000 head gasket job and don't want to put any more cash in. I was just wondering if any of you had done this before. iPhone ?
Don't think you could save any money with DIY, yeah just pay the deductable and get professionals to do it. Good your head gasket issue is resolved too. One time I noticed our noticed our daughter and son-in-law's Pontiac Vibe rear wiper was on it's last legs, so I went down to GM parts dept and got them a complete new blade, put it on. Literally that evening, they went out for a dinner, and as they're sitting look out the window, they see there's some vagrant with a pipe or something, just wailing on their rear hatch. Wiper was toast, along with the hatch, glass. There's no rhyme or reason.