My 2001 prius came back from the shop yesterday. Had front breaks and roters replaced as well as front struts. Today I left the headlights on for 20 min after shutting the car off and it wouldn't start several hours later. At first the display screen was lit and it dinged in acc mode. The lights faded and so did the dinging and it wouldn't start. Several dash lights remained, I can't remember which, but they are the ones that are typically there at start up. Tried to start it again a half hour later, same thing (lit up and dinging then faded away). Any light I turned on was dim. Had a friend come jump it, we left the cars connected for 5-10 min. I'm sure we did it correctly. We connected the neg cable to the ground on my car. (But maybe didn't leave them connected long enough) It didn't start. Then while trying to start it I tapped the brakes. Immediately, all dash lights went away, a buzzing static noise came from the engine area, and the abs light came on. A half hour later I tried to start it again (no jump this time) and as soon as I turned the key to acc the static noise and abs light come on. There was no dinging and no display screen,like there was before the jump. 1)Any ideas what this static noise could be from? 2)Is charging or replacing the 12v battery where I should start? History: The car has had the check engine light on for several months, so I had the codes read 3ish months ago and they had to do with the fuel door (My mechanic said because it's a little rusty around the rim of the gas cap) and the catalytic converter. He said it didn't need fixing now and that it's just making a little extra pollution. The car was stolen in 2014 and left running for days until the HV battery was completely dead. It was jumped (recharged?) with a special machine the dealer had to ship in that they said there are only a few of in the usa. At that time the 12v battery was replaced. Since then, I've had the car almost die from leaving lights on for a very short time, for example leaving the 4 way flashers on for 5 min while the car wasn't running caused it to almost die -upon starting the lights and screen dimmed like described above. Each time this has happened in the past, even when the car dimmed and wouldn't start in the moment, when I tried again a half hour later it would start without a jump. But tonight it hasn't and I fear that I screwed something up when I tapped the brakes during the jump. Any thoughts?
Oh and I forgot to mention that after it was stolen and brought to the dealer in 2014 occasionally the main display screen will be blank except for the p/s warning main battery exclimation mark in triangle symbol. It seems to run fine while displaying that, however I do remember there being a correlation between that warning and the car's lights dimming and it almost dying .