The indicators above the volume knob and the tuning knob are not illuminated so I can't really see them. I have the base system on my 2016 eco mode. Is this a known issue? Is there a solution other than asking the dealer to replace the head unit?
I'm still trying to find my volume and tuning knob - they didn't bother giving them to us, it seems. With knobs on previous cars, I found them by feel.
yes, of course! Are the volume and power and tuning indicators lit up on yours? Do you have the little eyebrows only?
I did some testing last night and what I found is that the eyebrows are visible when the lights are on and when it's dark outside. What I really don't understand is why they have the words visible but not backlit.
Yes, but the speed of the buttons is like waiting for Santa Claus to arrive - slow as, and if something comes in loud, it's a pain - and there's no mute button like my last 2 cars either. (The speed of the Vol+/Vol- on the Audio system are just as slow. And if the car is moving, my Mum if she's in the car will reach over to turn the volume down, but the movement of the car means she often hits the wrong button!!) The knob on previous cars meant you twist the knob and have it soft in next to no time. I don't think TOYOTA engineers ever drive their cars as in real life situations. They certainly didn't try EnTune out.
Until it beeps? I haven't timed mine recently; I recall it feels a little on the long side, 1.5 to 3 seconds? Maybe it's another US vs. AU difference.