Outselling all other high end cars can apparently be a cash cow, even though numbers are no where near Camry sales; http://www.autonews.com/article/20170320/OEM01/170329996/porsche-pockets-17250-profit-on-every-vehicle Once Tesla came to town ... suddenly lots of other high end car builders wanted to get on the plugin band wagon - as they began to see instant torque as a way to the front of the sales heap. Makes me wonder how few/many Porsche sales they'll need to move, in order to pay down the diesel-gate cars. .
i remember when porshe made cheap cars, (914) guess that didn't work out too well. the booster was a flop too, wasn't it? good article, it's all about the show for these buyers. 'i have something you can't afford'.
Now now, that's an unfair generalization on those buyers, just like the generalization that Prius drivers are entitle holier-than-thou owners. I'm sure many buy them simply because they like the car and are comfortable to spend the money on them.
I drove 'em decades ago just hoping I could get the chicks After getting married I was told by she-who-must-be-obeyed, "you don't need that anymore". I guess that was because from then on - I' d be too busy with all the honey-do's. .
Actually that survey rated the redneck pickup truck owner types as being on par with the hottie sport car driver food chain. .
'32% of women felt that the most attractive men drive pick up trucks, with sports cars and suv's coming in 2nd and 3rd.'