A Prius owner writes a good Commentary article concerning his Prius. It addresses most of the justifications that many PriusChat members have stated for their purchase, and also does a good job of defending against many of the reasons-you-shouldn't-buy issues raised by non-Prius owners. The article appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the hyperlink should work for six days. Enjoy Philadelphia Inquirer: Purchasing a hybrid car is about more than money
Well written article. I have concluded that mankind comes from either of two camps. First camp: Those who will come up with reasons why something won't work. Or reasons why they shouldn't help you. Second camp: Those who will come up with reasons why something WILL work. Or come up with reasons why they should help you. I believe this article goes to prove this point yet again. Think about this when you call a company for help or you need something. You will have a 50-50 chance of finding someone who will find a reason why they can not help you. It is those who will find a reason not to help you who will come up with reasons not to buy a hybrid. It is amazing. Just go through your normal activities and see how this applies in your own life. If I get someone who does a wonderful job of coming up with reasons why they can't help you I merely point my proverb to them. In some cases they will "wake up" and start to help you. I applaud everyone who does something to improve things. 3 cheers to PriusChat and it's member owners of Prii.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Three60guy @ Jun 21 2006, 12:55 PM) [snapback]274746[/snapback]</div> I liked the article as well, and i think i agree that there are two types of people, although i would label them as the "problem solvers" and the "problem creators". Problem solvers are the type that pretty much do everything in their power to solve whatever problems they encounter (whether someone else creates it, or they create it them selves.) Problem creators look at problems as "unsolvable" or aren't willing to put in the time to solve them, and end up creating more problems because of their unwillingness to work on a solution. In general, i've found that others here at work fall into the "problem solvers" category pretty nicely. You can take a problem to them, and they'll either present you with a solution, or "jump on board" in brainstorming or finding someone with the proper knowledge to formulate a solution. Also in general, i've found that when calling product support numbers you encounter more of the "problem creator" people. Granted, you're presenting them with the problem, but they create more problems and agravation by not being as helpful as they should. (i remember one time in particular when i had a car battery replaced at a shop, and the battery died a month later... the owner of the shop refused to help, forcing me to report him to the BBB and call his corporate offices. big hassle for me, and i'm sure it created plenty of problems for him)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(PaPrius @ Jun 21 2006, 11:34 AM) [snapback]274640[/snapback]</div> Terrific little piece -- thanks so much for posting it! SF
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Three60guy @ Jun 21 2006, 01:55 PM) [snapback]274746[/snapback]</div> LOL! The very best boss I ever worked for had been the manufacturing director for the largest division in a Fortune 50 company. In that position, he had proposed a project that would significantly increase productivity in 'his' plants. The proposal failed because of the overwhelming "IT WON'T WORK HERE!" response. Before it was finally turned down, he had a bunch of ball point pens made up with the saying "<name of project> - give me one good reason why it CAN work!" So, Three60guy, I believe you are a well-rounded, thoughtful individual who can see ALL sides of an issue - glad ta meet ya, guy! Another anecdote - I attended a seminar about continuous improvement once where the leader divided the group into teams, named three sports (football, baseball and golf), and asked half the teams to list what's DIFFERENT among them and half what's the SAME in a 5 minute time frame. The DIFFERENT teams shot off at a furious pace and then tapered off, the SAME teams got off to a slow start but came up with MUCH longer lists than any of the DIFFERENT groups. <g>
First off, great article. I think the main idea that anyone can take out of the article is that hybrid buyers are actively being a part of the solution by taking a leap and trusting hybrid technology. For hybrid technology to take off in the mainstream (which I think it has) there has to be the few pioneers that make such a large investment in new technology. In fact, I don't think of myself as one of the "pioneers". They are more on the lines of the first generation Prius owners. I have heard horror stories of people buying the first generation, having to make a 200 mile trip home, and never making it. They are the true pioneers. By the way, "pioneer" is the best word I can think of. I'm not attempting self-glorification.
I see the world as two camps as well: Those who put the carts away, and those who don't. Which means, those who put the carts away, are more then likely going to help others, and the planet. Those who don't, who put the carts in the aisle, put them behind other cars, put them near other cars, touching other cars, or in empty spaces, are the lazy ones, the ones who won't help others, who think only of themselves. Which are you? Do you put the cart away? Or do you contribute to the sad decline of this world? And yes, I'm serious. If you can't find the time, the moment it takes to put away the cart, then you really won't find the time to help others.
OK, you caught me TJ. I put carts away. "There are only ten types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't"
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tochatihu @ Jun 22 2006, 10:40 AM) [snapback]275255[/snapback]</div> oh man, how can you do that... you can't spell out "T-E-N" in the quote, it has to be printed as "10", otherwise it doesn't make any sense!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TJandGENESIS @ Jun 21 2006, 10:29 PM) [snapback]275017[/snapback]</div> Excellent philosophy! I am of the cart-putter-away type as well, and seeing people who don't do this simple task (especially when they are parked right near a return station!) is a real pet peeve of mine. <_< It really is amazing how many people demonstrate such selfish attitudes, in so many, many ways. The concept of problem solvers & creators is also an accurate one, and sadly most "Customer Service" lines these days seem staffed with people who look for a reason to avoid helping you rather than doing so; though in fairness to these CSR's, pressure often comes from above, which unfortunately means turning customers down if they can, to save the company a buck. That is the reality of business, unfortunately. Finally, speaking of 'Solutions', even my job title of "Document Solutions Manager" happens to have that word in it, so I guess the Prius fits me perfectly! - Kevin
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(burritos @ Jun 22 2006, 12:17 PM) [snapback]275381[/snapback]</div> I bet there are more of us as a Prius owner group. And probably more that don't as sports car and SUV owners... :lol: