the 'premium' jbl system is really bugging me sound-wise. In the driver's seat, my right ear gets funky - like stuffy, or like my ear has to pop (only it doesn't) - my girlfriend has the same experience. I am beginning to suspect some very high frequency noise? - maybe from the tweeters? Is anyone else experiencing this? Do any of you have any ideas about what this might be? Something wrong in the crossover with the amp or the head unit? wiring? I'm not very tech orieented, so not sure what to think. I've called and talked to the service dept where I purchased my Prius and the guy clearly thought I was nuts (doesn't bode well for taking it in for a check - Dublin Toyota). I notice that if I activate ACC (press 'Power' twice, engine off) that there is speaker noise from the tweeters, with stereo system off; I wonder if this is part of it - though my ear experience happens when the stereo's on. I'm concerned for negative impact on hearing over time. I've been beginning to look into replacing the stereo, but the techs at Toyota service say this can't or shouldn't be done (they say nay to even replacing the underseat amp). Any knowledge or feedback would be awesome. Thank you one and all. I really love great music in my car. Good music - don't leave home without it. Help!
Interesting. I have a Prius with the base radio (package #5), which I just completely customized with all new speakers, amplifier and subwoofer. Since I have done the upgrades, I have had the same experience on occasion, generally when playing the radio fairly loud. After reading your post, I searched around on the internet, and one might get the impression that it is a common symptom of too much volume. Can't quite tell whether its associated with low or high frequencies. Maybe I'll call my car stereo shop and see what they have to say. In short, I don't think you're nuts!
Hey HW: I read that you upgraded your speakers, can you tell us what did you got, which amp and subwoofer? I would like to upgrade my base system but would like to have some guidance. Thanks sam
When I was test driving my mother's Prius (with the ""premium"" JBL system) I noticed that the sound seemed incredibly "aliased"-- as if it were digitally under-sampled. To my audio ears (I work in post-production), the amp seemed to be introducing lots of digital noise, and was frequency notched in the upper-mids in a very wrong way. My HOPE is that it's the JBL amp falling down on the job, since it seems like it'd be much easier to replace than either the head unit or the 9 speakers. I'm curious to see if people are noticing more of difference after replacing the amp vs. the speakers...
Thanks for the replies - it's comforting to hear some confirmations of sorts. Rydot - great input, I'll look into replacing the amp. Could you define 'aliasing'? Also, I don't play the stereo with the volume any higher than 50 (on the screen display) and usually about 35 - and, I was experiencing the wierd sound image or ear thing or whatever at very low volumes (though my ears were less bugged - still pretty bugged though). I've been playing around with the treble adjustment and the fade and balance adjustments, and I've managed to reduce the problem quite a bit. Seems this stereo really likes to be fade set right to the middle (usually to attempt to get the sweet spot closer to me in the drivers seat, I fade and balance toward rear and passenger - not gonna be doin' that in my Pri apparently). In another thread I read that a guy added an equalizing unit wired after the amp and that he acheived better sound. I wonder.
At my age I'm certainly no longer a golden-eared guru, but if I'd heard your description 30 years ago I would have sent a tech to see if a speaker were accidently wired out of phase. Also, please explain what you meant by "really likes to be fade set right to the middle, etc."
Just like with graphics, "aliased" audio sounds like there are not enough digital samples to smoothly reproduce the audio. Think back to the old "8-bit" sound card days, or the early days of audio on the Internet-- that "grainy" sound of not having enough sampling horsepower or resolution.
Fixed. So it seems that my sound is fixed. The capacitors got rid of the tinny sound in the front. The 8" subwoofer with amp really add more fullness to the sound. I had to tweek my settings to make it all work well though. If you turn the sub up too loud it really shakes my license plate frame (I think because it doesn't have a license in it yet). The subwoofer amp is turned down quite a bit. They installed a little knob to control it under the steering wheel. Also, in the Sound equalizer settings, I set the treble to the center and the mids to one below center. There is still a bit of warmth that the JBL speakers lack. To solve that, I would either need to replace the two front door speakers and tweaters and *possibly* switch out the factory amplifier located under the passenger seat. For now though, it is 100% better than the stock factory. The amplifer was mounted underneath the trunk carpet, in the plastic storage area. It was mounted on the right side to leave plenty of room for other things. Total cost was $1050. $500 for the 8" JL Audio subwoofer , $300 for the 300 watt rockford fosgate amplifier, and $250 for cables, the capicitor, misc parts and labor.
This is promising news.... couple of follow up questions if you don't mind: - where is the subwoofer amp getting it's power from? - was there a special case made for the 8" sub? - do you have the specs on the capacitors that were installed? - did they disconnected the center "sub" speaker? You know, the one above the Energy Monitor/Nav screen. - who did the installation? Good Guys type installer or someone else? Thanks a lot. I'm here in Dublin, CA and will probably get the same done. I already have a JL amp and sub from my previous car that I will move over.... thx
and btw Jimseeker... we should hook up and get this done at the same time and negotiate a deal I'm across from I-580 in Dublin.
I can't answer the majority of the questions. I will call the installer and get the specs. I am ashamed that I call myself a techy and don't know....but I was in a hurry! I'll get back to ya'll soon.