Many Thanks to RayTheEagle on this forum He recently spent his day off drove over to where I live and helped me change out a bad wheel bearing , change out my transmission oil, and the coolant ..on my Prius. He saved me a lot of money and taught something in the process. He is a good guy who really acts like the Eagle Scout he is.
Ditto here with spark plugs. I thought I could handle it on my own but in the end he saved the day with the deep socket wrench. Kudos @Raytheeagle!
I was taught early on the old saying: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for the day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a life time." Just glad I can offer assistance where I can. @Taxi/Limo if you get a chance, could you post some of the pics you took from the rear wheel hub assembly, particularly the speed sensor cover? That was a bit fiddly and the pics you took will help the next person out. While my labor rate is cheap, travel costs will be high. But if the wife ever wants to go back to London, maybe I could make a "pit stop" along the way.
I did a bad thing I deleted the pics Did not think I would need them an I like to keep my phone clean
Ray is the man! He makes PC a great place to be. Thanks for all your help, all the help and advice you've given me, and other members!
Good thought. My iPhone also had "moments" in addition to "camera roll". Maybe it could be in a separate file. Good insight and worth checking .
Ray and his dad, Jeff, drove up from PA to my place in northeastern New York this past Saturday. We changed the engine water pump, pulled and cleaned the intake manifold and EGR pipe and swapped out the valve and cooler on my 2010. All in a frustration free just under 4 hours. I have no doubt it would have taken me double or more that time alone. In that time we went from meeting for the first time to being old friends. Ray is very much the class act he portrays on Priuschat. If you have opportunity to attend one of his maintenance get togethers, just make it happen. Maybe you'll get extra lucky and Jeff will be visiting, too.
What in the world, Ray! Did you just go on vacation to visit your dad on the other side of the country just to go wrenching on cars? I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. People in the middle of the country are now wondering if you have an uncle to visit in Ohio so that you are a national eagle scout
Let's just say that wasn't the ONLY reason I flew back east. I used to live in Kansas so . I actually flew back there to help my parents out. It was a decent list this time: Replace garage door Replace interior door handle on my old man's pickup Replace front wheel bearing assembly on my mothers Nissan Troubleshoot and repair their Jeep Cherokee that was vapor locking on a warm startup Put air conditioners back in place Ready the swimming pool for use I buy my old man a membership to the Antique Motorcycle Club of America (AMCA) every year for Father's Day and we try to go to at least one swap meet a year together. This year it was in Oley,PA. Last year we did the Dixon meet out here. The Oley meet is much larger, but the parking is worse. If anyone is interested in going to the Dixon meet, let me know. So there was a little more on the agenda than just going to @m.wynn 's place. And I know what the next purchase for my garage will be: ratcheting wrenches !
...ah "ratcheting wrenches" when I was a kid, we used to dream about those! (along with "adjustable sockets" )
Wow, didn't know you also had an interest in old bikes Naturally I tried to get some more info by checking out the link for the upcoming Dixon gathering and was redirected to something else:,cntnt01,default,0&cntnt01event_id=5&cntnt01display=event&cntnt01returnid=93 Are these only pre-WW2 bikes? Does anyone ever show up with older Japanese examples?
Here's a pic of the bike me and my old man have been working on for the last 5 years: It's a 1960 Harley Davidson Super 10 and the last bike my great grandfather owned and drove. He put 29k miles on this and rode it until he was in his late 60s. My old man had it sitting in the barn for the last 40 years, so we decided to do something with it. To answer your question, there are bikes of all types there: BSA's, Indians, Hondas, etc. I believe to be eligible to show it has to be older than 1970 or so. But there are a lot of old bikes there. The star of the 2016 show IMO was an 1899 Peugeot trike that was running. Most bikes are running and there are some for sale. A lot of parts too, but there are a lot of knowledgeable individuals to answer any questions you have about what they brought to show off. The show this year is June 16th and 17th at the Dixon Fairgrounds off of I-80. I'll ask my father in law if he wants to go, but if you are interested in taking a look at some fine examples of what motoring looked like from a past era, let me know.
It isn't already a slightly deeper red than original. But we thought it looked great! Also we had to knock out the baffle from the exhaust as the engine wouldn't fire. It does now though. It's a fun project. The next item up after this is a Chrysler Sno-Runner.