Hello this is my first post & first time using Prius chat .. After I cut the car off completely. There are always strange noises that follow the car being cut off. I can't even explain the noises .. Almost like a winding noise. Also the main required light is and and the check tire pressure light is on (I put air in & it still didn't go off) can someone help me out with some advice or what you guys think could be going on? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
That noise is the coolant heat recovery pump pumping hot coolant into the heat recovery thermos, normal noise. To reset your tire pressure monitor indicator, put your car in ig-on while holding the reset switch (located below the steering column near your right knee) til the monitor light blinks three times and disappears. This is presuming that you don't have a slow leak of some sort causing lower pressure in one or more of your tires. If you do have a leak problem you will have to take of that before the light stops coming on. The other issue could be a bad tpms sensor, they do go out and at 10yrs old might be the cause of your light coming on. You'll need a obdi reader, like what the dealer has to see which one is bad and to replace/register the new one of needed.
Chrs pump but most people not sure of the brake accumulator pump noise. You can replicate it by sitting in the car when it's not running and press the brake pedal a few times. That accumulator turns on all the time. Also you can almost guarantee the batteries in the tire pressure sensors are dead They are integral to the tpms sensor you must replace the entire sensor $50 each on amazon. There the oem Densos So you can turn the dash alarm light off but it will come right back on until new sensors are installed so keep them in mind when it comes time to replace all the tires. I'm in the same boat.
Hey I really appreciate you guy's feedback and help .. I just bought this carbon February & it was at 120,000 miles flat. With Toyota's trusted name for reliability and the good reviews I heard about Prius I still went ahead and got the car .. It's been running great but the strange noises had me worried. Thanks again guys I'm going to have a mechanic look into it. If you guys have any other advice I'll take it! I'm new to the Prius community to I want to maintain the upkeep of this car. kenya
Hey I really appreciate you guy's feedback and help .. I just bought this carbon February & it was at 120,000 miles flat. With Toyota's trusted name for reliability and the good reviews I heard about Prius I still went ahead and got the car .. It's been running great but the strange noises had me worried. Thanks again guys I'm going to have a mechanic look into it. If you guys have any other advice I'll take it! I'm new to the Prius community to I want to maintain the upkeep of this car. kenya
Hey I really appreciate you guy's feedback and help .. I just bought this car in February & it was at 120,000 miles flat. With Toyota's trusted name for reliability and the good reviews I heard about Prius I still went ahead and got the car .. It's been running great but the strange noises had me worried. Thanks again guys I'm going to have a mechanic look into it. If you guys have any other advice I'll take it! I'm new to the Prius community to I want to maintain the upkeep of this car. kenya
Good time to change the transmission fluid if it hasn't been already (should be pink in color). And keep up on the oil and filter changes of course.