I replaced the HV Control ECU on my 2007 Prius, because my coding scan read POA1D. Now the lights on the dash all light up, but the Ready light does not come on? Do I need to reprogram the ECU to read the old key? Help!
I assume that your car has the Smart Entry / Smart Start system. Insert the fob into the dashboard slot. See if you can make the car READY. If so, leave the car READY for at least 3 seconds. If you can successfully accomplish the above then the Prius has accepted the new HV ECU. I'm interested in knowing your car's odometer reading, and whether anything prompted the HV ECU failure or if the failure just happened without any motivating factor that you are aware of. Good luck.
My techinfo dollars have run out until I feed it again, but I'd suggest checking for the procedure in the repair manual. I do remember from the Gen 1 manual, for that generation if you replaced either the HV or the Immobilizer ECU, you would have to turn the car ON (not READY) and leave it alone for half an hour for the two ECUs to handshake, before it would go ready. I suppose that would deter a thief from trying to plug in a new immobilizer ECU and having to wait in your driveway for half an hour before the car would start. (I don't suppose it would deter them much from putting your car on a flatbed, then waiting the half hour inside their own chop shop....) -Chap
Hey! Thanks for responding! I had a feeling that might be something I want to try. So, just connect the battery and push the button without pressing the brake and leave it for 30 minutes?