I've had numerous people PM about my interior LEDs when I posted my interior in the "What did you do to your 3rd Gen today" thread. So, I figured I'd help some fellow Prius fellers (and ladies) out and have a package available. I know for a fact that it fits my 2013 Prius Two without a sunroof. If you can send me pics/dimensions of your bulbs, I will confirm if these will work for you or not. All of these can be installed within 10-15 mins with nothing more than a flathead screwdriver. $20 shipped within the US. International shipments will likely be about $10 extra for 1st Class Intl Mail. FYI - I'm not looking to make a living doing this. My cost for the LEDs is a little over $14. With shipping (~$3) and the box and packing materials comes to about $19. 2x Vanity Lights 2x Map Lights 2x Door Lights 1x Dome Light 1x Cargo/Trunk Light 2x License Plate Lights Examples of the types of bulbs used (I'll get actual pics this evening) : And the interior of my car : License plate :
Hey @JoshM ! I'm interested in this kit. I'm new here, but something tells me I won't have an issue fitting this in my 2012 prius two. How can I get my hands on this set?
Both. The LEDs are brighter than the bulbs they replace while using less voltage. LEDs also last longer than their filament bulb replacements.
Thanks. A couple of more questions: 1. Do you think cool white is better than warm white for the interior? 2. How easy is it replace the interior lights? Is it just a "find the right tab and twist with a screwdriver" kind of job?
1.) It's really up to your individual opinion. I hate cool white LEDs in buildings - they're obnoxious. Very hospital-esque. My home and work have all warm white LEDs. However, I prefer the cool white when dealing with autos. They have a more luxurious appearance, in my opinion. 2.) A screw driver will work if you're careful... prying too hard will leave indentions where you pry. Wrapping the tip in masking tape will help not scratch anything. The LEDs are also polarized. If you plug one in and it doesn't work, remove it and turn the bulb 180*.
Threads on here have conflicting information. If you could measure some of yours, I'd be greatful. Doors, maps, parking, and license plates seem to be T10/194/168 - same as the 3rd Gen Dome is 31mm - same as the 3rd Gen However, the cargo is listed at 31mm - which is 3mm longer than the 3rd Gen Vanity lights are listed as 31mm - 3rd Gen is a T10/168/194.
Haha, you and I share the same taste in lighting. I usually despise cool white lighting (fluorescent or LED) except in certain situations which calls for it. I'll take a set. How do I pay you? Paypal?