Gotta make an out of town trip tomorrow, so filled up today even though it was only a little less than half tank. 2928 miles 6.176 gals at pump, 1st cutoff, 43 f ambient temp, level ground 474.09 mpg at pump 23 mph avg speed while system up 93% EV driving ratio 5.2 mi/kwh avg YeeHaa!
Based on the ECO dashboard of some of the high rollers ICE hasn't come on at all, and it's not mentioned anywhere in the Prime manual
Awesome work on the mi/kwh! I'm hoping I'll do better once it's warmer out. So far I'm 3.9 mi/hwh Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I had to fill up today too. This is truly my 1st fill up. I topped it off when I 1st bought it on 11-27-2016. Never put anymore fuel in it until today. Very happy with the Prime.
I think it has come on by itself once or twice in almost 4 months, but seems like there's been enough times using climate control briefly starting ice or using that last 4 miles in hv mode that keeps the 200 mile clock reset on it's own. Also gotta say that downhill regen seems noticably higher than pip.
At this rate soon there will be a prime need 5k oil change before first gas fill up. Look at those 999mpg on Eco dashboard ranking with hundreds of miles. That's only advanced trim with activated safety connect. Must be more prime out there didn't use one drop of fuel yet.