There is a brown rectangular device/sensor located below console next to the wireless charger with 2 wires connector. Any idea what it might be?
Considering the location close to the phone charger, the BT antenna to connect to it I'd say. Also I looked up Qi Charging, and it is that big, because the coil is positioned dynamically closest possible to the receiving side of the phone, allowing you to simply put the phone where you want, essentially, on the black patch, and always get charging working. PS: the FOB antenna is in the "Start Engine" button on the dashboard, because that's where you need to place the key, in case there are communication issues between key and the receivers on the doors (e.g. battery in the FOB dead).
Leave it unplugged and you'll work out what no longer works. That's if it doesn't lock you out of the car first!!!
The mystery part is the No. 1 Indoor Electrical Key Antenna Assembly, part number 899A0-60010 (list price $54.99 or ¥2,200), a component of the smart key system. The smart key system has two modes for starting: the one supported by this part, in which the car transmits an LF AM (134.2 kHz) signal and receives a VHF FSK (314.35 MHz/312.10 MHz) signal from the key in reply, and a second mode, in which the power switch on the dashboard reads a passive RFID tag in the key; the latter mode is used with a key that has a dead battery or is in power saving mode. Interestingly, because the smart key antenna is so close to the wireless charger, in both physical and radio frequency terms, the certification ECU (smart key ECU) can send a DIS (disable) signal to the wireless charger under certain conditions, to prevent interference between the two systems. I imagine that was a fun problem for the electromagnetic compatibility engineers to solve.
Good post Elektro. We can conclude their engineers got it about right as the system seems to work OK.
Thanks for all comments. Please note that for a few days this antenna was unplugged and removed from the car. Over this time the car was fully controllable and I did not notice any issues with access and/or driving.
Anybody else notice the hardrive in the photo? hopefully its solid state, otherwise, meltdown is pending.
When I first saw it I thought "CD/DVD player" - trying to get a perspective of where it was - but then worked out it was nowhere near it. Rotated and zoomed in - AHA!!
I kind of wish your post never existed because it has some scary good information about the smart key. You know. Hackers and car thieves.
Just live - they'll get in if they want no matter whether you worry or not. Here, PRIUS doesn't rate a mention on the most-stolen vehicle list.