Ya know how the Prius with SE/SS has the interior light come on when you approach the car? Well, wouldn't be kinda cool if they took that recognition technology a little farther where each fob could be programmed to be uniquely recognized. The I approached the car the computer would recognize my fob. The car would be programmed to say my name and would be programmed with the time of day (?via the GPS). As I approached it would say "Good Morning Evan, ready for a drive?" In the Evening..."Good Evening Evan, heading home?" Ok, I've officially gone over the edge now..... :|
That would be good. Would also settle the name for my car - Kit. I would also like to be able to chose a different voice for the NAV system. Sean Connery would be good.
No, you haven't, unless I already have too. I've been thinking the same thing, but actually went a little farther. Since you have programmable destinations in the Map DVD, why not have the car greet you, unlock the doors, and ask where you would like to go. You then tell it your destination... it turns itself on and it takes you there! (They are working on a radar driving control system aren't they? And doesn't one of the luxury cars already have a cruise control that slows you down if you approach another car?) Kind of like the "Johnny Cab" in the movie Total Recall, but without the dummy.
Or how about... Have each fob change the radio presets based on user? And why not the display colors too, while we're at it.
"Good evening, Dave. Everything's running smoothly. And you? Open the pod bay doors please, HAL." "I'm sorry Dave, I don't have enough information." Open the pod bay doors please, HAL." "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that." "I know that you and Frank were planning to disconnect me, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen." Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill and think things over This conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye." "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?" "I feel much better now, I really do." "Daisy, Daisy..."
Actually, I've had my Prius since last December, but I've only recently been enjoying bluetooth connectivity for my new phone. That got me thinking... One of On Star's main attractions is calling them and having them unlock your doors if you lock yourself out. Now that my phone is partnered with my Prius, and since most new phones come with java capability, couldn't the phone be programmed to do much of what the fob currently does? - unlock doors - provide signal for smart start If it could, that's one less thing (the fob) that I would need to carry with me.
I saw on the Today Show back a couple of months ago, they had a car that does that. In addition to saying hello, before you ever reach the door, the seat moves to the position that fob tells it to. And the A/C moves to the temp you like and radio, ect. It was almost too good to be true. The main point of the car was that is went like 210mph or something. But it costs, if I remember right, something like $300,000.00.
Unfortunately, no. The rest of the prius would need to be able to speak to the bt phone system, which it just can't do.
I wish the programming wasn't soo complicated on this car. From what i hear, no one is able to really mod these system. I get switching wires.. and using current feeds to figure things out. But.. this car is a computer. You should be able to reprogram it to start the car when you get near.. or.. shut it down and park when the fob is out of range. it's always looking for that fob. I would think that this car is capable of doing those thing. This car already reads everything it's doing and it does it all electronicaly. So why not be able to have macros (like the lock/unlock of the doors) to where you can have the car work off of you being close to the car.. in the car.. or leaving the car. It would be awesome if you could stop.. press park.. and walk away from the car... last door closes.. and it locks and shuts down. Another thing. Has anyone ever been tempted to hook this car up to.. well.. let's say an x-box controller? this whole car is by wire right? Maybe not the break.. but a controler like the x-box should have the same amount of control as your current gaming wheel.. or.. the prius steering wheel (same thing) So, why hasn't someone been bored enough to make this car on a remote control. It would be awesome.
A lot of cars have that radar cruise control. the cadillacs do.. mercedes.. Jaguar.. etc. Basically every car company has that technology. But they limit breaking to 25 % of breaking power.. so if there is a fast stop. it won't stop you. they want accidents to be peoples fault still... i'm sure th is will change when more cars get closer to having this system.. and when the sytem gets a little better.. so it will know what car are around you too. then of course.. the cars will be closer to driving themselves THEN... traffic would be able to go a lot faster.. because all the car are communicating... we don't all communicate.. we watch lights. aww.. the future.. just waiting.. it will get here eventualy
Me too. I got kinda jealous when I saw the Siemens IDrive demo in the newer BMWs last week. The system is written in java, and that's really cool. Could you imagine code like... doors.unlockAllFrontDoors(); Sigh.
I do NOT!!! "Good morning, Daniel. Have a nice day," when I'm in a rotten mood because my ankel hurts and I had to skip my morning jogging. The next thing, someone will be wanting the car to dispense a tepid, brown liquid that tastes almost entirely unlike tea. And I don't even like good tea. :x :x :x
Here's an idea: program your name into the fob itself. You'd have all the benefits you listed above, plus, if another Prius owner approched your car, it would recognize that it was a different owner, extract the name from the fob, and say: Say... You're not Evan. Wait a minute... you're Manny!!! I've heard about you!! EVAN!!! HELP!!!!! Oh wait... I\'m not salsa red, I\'m blue. Never mind.
there is sooo many cool things the prius is capable of with the fob its not even funny.. Seats moving to desired position Mirrors moving to desired position Radio Presets Temp setting Backround color Nav lady telling us hello and goodbye by our name auto locking/turning off car when no fob is nearby Which phonebook to display/1 touch dialing + which phone to use Audio settings Aww man, that would kick nice person!!
I don't see why this car doesn't hold things like mirror settings.. it hold somet hings though. Believe it or not.. the car does have user setting. Go into the menu. My grandfathers 02 Cadillac deville has most of these options... seat memory.. steering wheel memory.. mirror memory (also turns down in reverse on passenger side) ac settings... radio volume setting and preset memory along with what you were currently listening to.... speedometer display settings... information display settings... I have not tested the prius for memory fully.. well.. because i'm the only one who drives the car and i don't want to screw up my settings just incase preset 1 doesn't include a function i just changed. anyone want to test these little things?
I've named my car Hallie in honor of the Dave/Hal relationship. She already questions my commands. For example, sometimes when I ask for "68 degrees", she responds, "now changing temperature to 72 degrees". Other times, she insists "that command is only available on the navigation screen". :wink:
This is why i turned to the command "raise temperature" and "lower temperature" only failed me twice so far because the fans were already on high... so at those times i end up using the stearingwheel keys.