In my previous PIP, 2012 MY, I routinely observed that the trip MPG was about 5% greater than actual. The replacement PIP, 2013 MY is showing almost perfect agreement between trip MPG and fill-up calculated MPG. I looked through the spread sheet data and note that the correspondence between "console MPG" and "raw MPG" varies widely. Does anyone have an explanation?
how many tanks have you recorded? every once in awhile, someone claims they show little difference. it could be the replacement tire diameter.
Kind of a false alarm as my last tank was real close. But if I average the deviation over the last 5 tanks it is about 3% still better than what I saw with the 2012. It shouldn't be the tires, based on the specs at least, since the new tires, according to tire rack, have the same 833rev/mile as the OEM tires on the old car. However, they are new and therefore full size while the 2012 had half worn tires when it was killed. A factor might be the slight diameter increase that running 51PSI, sidewall rating, creates.
That might be a factor in shaking your teeth loose too. And pounding the suspension to death. Seriously, NOT a good idea. clarify the original question: Are you taking about wide variations in the calculated MPG for individual fuel fillings ?? A major factor in that is the automatic shutoff on the pump nozzle. Another is variations in the driving conditions from one tank to another.